Understand My Dreams

Dreams angel

I fell asleep and i woke up in my dream in the same spot i fell asleep, witch is right next to my girl freind. But see i tried to tell her to get up and lock the door before we went to bed because i kept hearing weird noises outside and everytime i tried to tell her to in my dream i fall back asleep and i would keep waking up from the loud random noises outside my window. So eventually i rolled over and shook her really hard. When she woke up i told her. What was was wrong. When she got up to lock the door it was my ex girl friend. After that i feel back asleep in my dream and then i kept waking up but unconscious and couldn't talk but i kept trying to tell angel, my girl friend that there is some one outside my window. Eventually i saw a shadow on my wall and a loud scream and a loud bang outside on my window. Then i woke up.

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