Understand My Dreams

Dreams afraid

I was sitting alone in a restaurant and a crazy girl came in with a gun and knocked me out. Then I woke up I was tied up(still in my dream) and she wanted to kill me. Then the actor Shiloh Fernandez, came in and looked angry at the girl who wanted to killer me. Well he knocked her out and tied her up. Then came over to me and untied me, I was scared! He said to me "Don't be afraid I'm here, I'm never gonna let you go, I'll be here to protect you." Then I woke up

I dreamt I was at my grandma and aunt's house. But the house was different than the one they live in now. I go into my grandmas room and open a large bin, and a hole bunch of snakes cam out. All were none poisonous. Some were corn snakes. Some were king snakes and some were milk snakes. I love snakes and i was not afraid. So I tryed to catch them. I chased them through the house and caught many of them. I then saw a knot of black and white king snakes. Some of them were breeding and were stuck to gether. I picked up the bundle of snakes and they started biting me in my back. I still was not afraid but was startled and tried to get them of me. I then woke up.

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