I was at home with the girl i love on the beach then we spotted to water to rise and waves becoming taller and people around was saying "HEAD FOR THE MOUNTAINS!!" I carried the girl i love to the mountains but the water was coming closer and closer and it was sweeping up everyone around when i got to higher ground it stopped for a second but started to make bigger waves so i climbed and climbed with the girl i love on my back the water was up to my feet so i kept climbing and it stopped for a while and me and my lover sat back and looked at the water then it started to raise even more this time i had trouble climbing up the mountatin more but we both made it and then the water sudden;y stopped then my lover hugged me tightly then i woke up. What does this dream mean?? June 26, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamt I ws at da beach swimming da waves were nt as big andthen der we're also games eg slides small boats then I ws out of der my brother gave me R20 n gave my sister R30 bt nt da usual notes da money ws unfamilia my note ws green June 25, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
For the past 4 weeks I've had dreams about waves. Humungous tidal waves that have swept through towns and destroyed villages and during one dream which seemed kind of odd, I was laying on a bed in hotel and was watching the moon. It suddenly froze over like a popscicle and then cracked back openn and that happened about 2 and then it caught on fire. Just as it did, I hear the roaring of a wave coming and collapsing over top of me. June 11, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
I arrived at the top of a huge sand mountain and than a friend pushed me to the other side of the mountain and i fell ,there was a sea down there with huge waves June 10, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
Tidal Waves that I'm always running away from or hiding in building from while the water smashes up against the sides June 05, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis