I was crossing water and was at the house i lived in as a child, my manager was alive in my dream,and then my front tooth started crumbling and falling out all over the place.
First I dreamed that a tooth fell out of my false teeth. Then I dreamed that a hydro guy climbed a pole in our backyard, he touched something there was a hugh bang and then he fell his hardhat fell off his head and he landed on a big barrel beside our picnic table.
Extracting tooth
I've dream that i pulled my tooth.cn you interpret
Brushed my teeth with a child tooth brush whilst she used my adult toothbrush
Tooth falling out and turning into cotton wool
Drop three tooth. One become black after dropping.
I dreamed My one wisdom tooth removed mean what?
Girlfriend punching me in the face and each punch made a tooth fall out and shatter into pieces
Pulled my own tooth out