Understand My Dreams

Dreams looked

I was ice fishing and my hole was pretty big and I wasn't catching any fish but eventually I was seeing a bunch of sunfish right under my hole so i brought my jig up and I was catching so many of them but after awhile is slowed down and got dark out and I started seeing huge northerns on the bottom and my hole somehow got huge and looked like a spearing hole but I caught my last sunfish and I just left it on my jig and lowered it right in front of one of the northers face and was jigging it and then he bit it and i reeled him in and he was bigger than me.

Last night I dreamt that I was at work and we just hired like 4 new people. They wanted me to train them in. So I started to train them in and they looked at me like I was stupid. And I kept doing things wrong. Things I have never done before or haven't even thought of doing. Then they thought I was now even more stupid. Then they started to act like they were better than me. Even though i’ve worked there for almost 2 years. They we then really mean to me, so I quit.

I was with my daughter at a huge crowd gathered around a huge cement pool bright blue of freezing cold water that a few people were dunking them selves in a a speak spoke. W The people began to talk among them selves and as as I was talking among the people around me, I suddenly realized that I had no idea where my daughter was, I began to panic calling her name and searching the crowd around me as they did as well and I looked over the short wall into the freezing water and my baby girl was face up at the bottom of the pool, she was wearing pink Onesy with feet and Just before diving in I'm screaming no, no, no and all though I knew it was my daughter she look exactly like my new baby nice who is of that age and as I woke, I found myselve F falling between the wall and my bed say in a panics what I was saying in my dream.

I was standing on a street sidewalk. i watched 4 men come down a alley and enter a building. i went in behind them we all went to the back of this building. it was like a storage area n meeting place.in the back there was a little window and a long shelf against the wall. one of the guys was like we got to get out of here. quickly we all went to the same door we came in 3 guys were ahead of me one was behind me. i turned and looked at the guy behind me i knew he was not going to make it out. the building then blew up. next thing i know im flying in the sky above a highway. there was a accident on the road me and i guess the guy who blew up with me are standing now at this accident scene. there are 3 people laying on the road side by side. a man a woman and a child. the child had no arms or legs and had been stabbed in the stomach multiple times. he was not dead. he started to cough. the guy i was with picked up the child ran him across this 4 lane highway and entered a small white building.

I was in my grandmoms neighborhood and I was with a group of kids who were my age. One looked exactly like a kid from my Bustop before I met him, one was very tall, one was shorter than the rest of us but not tiny, and there was a blond girl. We all left one by one until it was me and the tall kid. We had to lug a heavy washing machine to his house. He had a really low front porch and he ducked under it to get through. I hit my head on the top. His mom came out through the door (which was glass) and asked me to come in. Then I woke up.

I was took away with a family, apparently my own yet I did not recognise any of them, and placed in a kind of storage container equipped with desks, a sofa, windows etc. It looked like a mix between an office and a home. We were then instructed to look out of the window. We saw a school bus full of teenage cheerleaders and a few random teenage boys pull up to some steps. the steps led up the side of a large cylinder type thing. They were all dragged out one by one and led to the top where they were one by one attached to a chain and dangled upside down and lowered into the cylinder slowly. The cylinder was full of a boiling hot substance. I could hear their screams and saw each of them being lowered in. I felt anger but no remorse or sadness. I didn't feel particularly horrified and didn't have to, nor really wanted to, look away.

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