I dreamed of my kids sleeping in my car. It was my two kids and a boy I think I adopted in the dream. But I was over a friends house talking and the kids were sleeping in the car when 3 men jumped in the car. I ran to them in panic screaming. I asked them what they were doing my kids were in the car. They said they was stealing the car but since the kids were in the car they was going to hold them for hostage. They want money. They tried to pull off but me and a friend jumping in the trunk. As they was pulling off I was scramming for help and pulling wires from the trunk trying to stop the car from moving. Out of no where 2 male mexicans and 1 older lady mexican came running after the car and the older lady spoke the the 3 kidnappers. She convinced them to stop and let the kids go. If they leave now we wasn't gonna contact the police and she promised them she would give them 50 dollars and my friend had 33 dollars they would have. So they took the money and all got out of the car and ran.
I dreamed of my kids sleeping in my car. It was my two kids and a boy I think I adopted in the dream. But I was over a friends house talking and the kids were sleeping in the car when 3 men jumped in the car. I ran to them in panic screaming. I asked them what they were doing my kids were in the car. They said they was stealing the car but since the kids were in the car they was going to hold them for hostage. They want money. They tried to pull off but me and a friend jumping in the trunk. As they was pulling off I was scramming for help and pulling wires from the trunk trying to stop the car from moving. Out of no where 2 male mexicans and 1 older lady mexican came running after the car and the older lady spoke the the 3 kidnappers. She convinced them to stop and let thekids go. If they leave now we wasn't gonna contact the police and she promised them she would give them 50 dollars and my friend had 33 dollars they would have. So they took the money and all got out of the car and ran.
I was standing on a beach. Small beach with looming mountains behind me. Many people standing behind me. God was angry and coming to destroy anyone in the water. I called to the people in the water telling them to get out of the water, God was coming and he was very angry. Some people listened and got out of the water but some stayed. God came as a bolt of lightening and destroyed those who did not heed my warning.
My son and I were shopping to buy a rose at a grocery store. I turn away to pay, and he was kidnapped. He was kidnapped by my father's girlfriend , who wanted to talk to him. She let her dog lose on us to keep away. I jumped into a parked car to get away. I got out of the car and ran down the street to get my son. I fought a man to have my son released.
I was standing by my car looked up to sky where clouds were rolling in. The clouds were forming tunnels where beams of light were goin down and meeting each other in the middle and were forming together a big white glowing ball. When it looked like it was about to explode the white glowing ball shot across the sky straight over me and out of sight.but as it got out sight it exploded and that explosion came fireworks
Car went plunging into ocean water which was very blue green
Kept thinking to unroll window before the car plunged swam out to safety but kept thinking I wouldn't make it due to breathing underwater got out of water on boat ramp and there were people asking what happened
A child rescued a rat from a cat. I took care of it and nursed it back to health. At one point I took the rat into a swimming pool with the children I was with, and gave each child a job to do. One was a washer, one was a rinser, one was a scrubber etc. The rat had a huge opening in it's stomach that was full of pus. We cleaned it out in the water. Then the Prince of Wales appeared at the side of the pool and told me to leave because I was dirtying the water. When I looked down the rat had gone and was replaced by a child's ballerina slipper. He told me not to wash the slipper in the pool, and I argued that we were all wearing clothing in the pool and there was no difference, then I got out of the pool and kissed him on the cheek.
My girl friend grand daughter, her children and there deadly snake and fluffy grey cat moved in with my girl friend and I. Snake got out and bit some people in our home. I called ambulance. Snake crawled in and out of things in our home. I threw grand daughter out and her kids. Cat saw snake on ice box and bit its head off and bit snake in 2 pieces. Snake head got on cat foot and cat died.
I dreamed my coworker/friend boyfriend drove me to the hospital and his brother towed us because we got stuck on a cliff so I got out and walked to the hospital. when I arrived at the hospital my immediate family was there and a tornado came through the hospital window. I ran into the ladies bathroom and hid under the sink while everbody else looked in awh.
This dream took place with me and two others in a car driving some place. We were having car problems, so we pulled into a parking area and got out to see what we could do to fix teh car. My grand dog was with us and a bit antsy, so I took him out on his leash and tried to find a place to tie him up to, so he wouldn't run away.
At that point, one of my travel buddies, (whom I don't know in real life), came up to me and whispered, "don't look now, but it's the police!" I turned and sure enough, a police officer was coming our way. I realized there was a bunch of them going to their cars, parked a bit away from us in the lot, though we didn't notice them earlier. No lights going, it was as if they were all coming out of a restaurant or something.
He came up to me and asked if he could help. Now, we didn't have the hood of the car opened or anything, so it did just look like we were parking--no car issues. So, I just told him the dog needed a break and I was looking to tie him up somewhere while we stretched our legs. (why we didn't walk the dog I don't know??) He helped me to tie him up at a pole, and the dog could look over the railing to see water below. It was like a river, the ocean, or something.