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Dreams woke up

Found 4,056 dreams containing woke up - Page 27

Explore a collection of the latest dreams shared by our community. Discover common themes, intriguing narratives, and unique symbolism. From vivid adventures to thought-provoking scenarios, these recent dreams offer a glimpse into the subconscious mind and may even spark insights into your own dream world. Browse the "Latest Dreams" to find inspiration, connect with others, and delve deeper into the fascinating realm of dreams.

I was somewhere not at my school and my teachers and other students were there. I was trying to say find my favorite person in the whole world who's my band director, Mrs. Ehli. I found her and went through the sea of students and teachers to get to her. I hugged her, and I started crying. "Hey, it's ok." (I forget what else she said) Mrs. Ehli told me. I got into my moms car, and had to climb over a staff member of my school. I then got out of the car, because I wanted to tell Mrs. Ehli something. I couldn't find her. I then found her, but then I lost her then was at my cousins' house. I left their house, and tried to find my way to my school. I couldn't, then I woke up.

I had a dream of my neighbors house being remodeled. It was completely different. I had been in my house which was like a glass house with glass walls and it was stormy and the wind blew the door glass out. I had been unexpectedly visited by my deceased grandmother and her friend while there were two spiders that turned into puffer fish. I was mad at my neighbors over something and I was walking to the police department where I seen a marathon, and I had been at the neighbors house and I had seen my ex boyfriend (neighbor) who looked deformed and a blonde female laying on the bed who also looked deformed. I had been upset and hit the blonde. I then woke up to Eminem "So long bitch you did me so wrong living in this world without you".

So I was on a boat with a group and then it started sinking and for some reason we floored it and it magically fixed the boat but we forgot the anchor was in the water so we drug it back into the boat and it was fine but the person driving didn’t seem to know what they we doing and we almost crashed into another boat (there were boats everywhere) and then we went around a turn and skimmed a tree that had a bunch of briars hanging and they wrapped around me when I tried getting the thorns out of me I got knocked off the boat into the water filled with a bunch of little snakes and no one was helping me and I woke up to a snake biting my leg lol I was sweating when I woke up

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