Understand My Dreams

Dreams visit

I had friends from out of town come over to my house for a barbeque and in the starter kit was a bag of lighter fluid which had a tear. As I was going to go throw the bag away I walked past a fire outside and the bag exploded in my hand. This burnt and blew off fingers and 4 toes on my right foot as well as on the rest of my body. I was seen by a man driving down the road and was taken to the hospital. After arriving I was cleaned up and left. No one came to visit. When I was released I went home to get my tablet and phone and also told friends including my husband I was done with them and left again. While walking into the city it seemed to get sucked into a hole in the ground and then erupt like a volcano causing a tornado to begin. I took shelter in an office building. As I am scrambling trying to find somewhere safe my phone rings. Its an automated system from my cell phone provider telling me that I was past due on my bill and had to pay it by 9:16pm that day.

We are on holiday in spain, we stop for German food and then head to the beach. My daughter climbs into a cage that is on a beach to play with a small bear. I am playing badminton next to the fence with my friend. Some more friends come to visit. I then notice the bear is growling at my daughter so I tell my mum u best go and get her. I climb over the fence and it starts to rain. I rescue my daughter and go to the gate but a large angry bear is trying to get in to eat us. I escape over the fence and run to the safety of a house just as lightening strikes the ground.

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