I dreamt I saw a CEO, of the company I work with signing documents witha stranger . I fell on the floor with shock and revealed my genitals. September 03, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I was cleaning the floor I put jik in a backet with a cleaning cloth to wash it white the were people male and female a man putting a wedding ring on a weeding finger to another man there was a big white cake. I left and we went to the toilet the was pee on the floor someone gave me abroom to stand on and I peed we went to a hall and we were dancing I liked the guy and at the same time it was like he is a woman August 31, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
At my cousins house and she was fixing herself a plate of food from the microwave, I asked could I have some she gave me the ok I went toward the microwave I looked in the microwave and there were about three dishes in there, there was meat, and peas, etc.... I looked at the pea after getting a piece of meat they looked like they had gone bad I took them out and sat it on top of the microwave I moved in closer to smell it and noticed it moving I step away in fear and big and small maggot shot out of the peas onto the walls and started crawling everywhere mostly just the walls I admittedly got sick and regurgitated on the floor September 08, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
At my cousins house and she was fixing herself a plate of food from the microwave, I asked could I have some she gave me the ok I went toward the microwave I looked in the microwave and there were about three dishes in there, there was meat, and peas, etc.... I looked at the pea after getting a piece of meat they looked like they had gone bad I took them out and sat it on top of the microwave I moved in closer to smell it and noticed it moving I step back in fear and big and small maggot shot out of the peas onto the walls and started crawling everywhere mostly just the walls I admittedly got sick and regurgitated on the floor September 08, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
It felt like it was 2 months from now i dreamed of myself waking up one day harly breathing everything was blurry i could hear my heart racing i got up tryed ti reach out of the room suddenly he ( ezzdin) appeared out of nowhere saying : i warned you ,told you to take good care . i was gonna say sthg back but he disappeared i walked all the way through a white hall he appeared again at the end of it's way and stood distant from me the more i walked towards him the further he got i shouted his name but he just stood there staring not saying a word my eyes started bleeding i looked away and the bleeding stopped then i looked at his face again and the blood started pouring from my eyes covering my cheeks leaving drops on the floor the drops turned black and everything started shaking he vanished and i fainted suddenly i wake up in a hospital room hooked up to an oxygen machine he was sitting close silently anyway i look at the left see my mom crying look at the right see my dad wiping sweat off his forehead he seemed desperate i reached my hand to his ( ezzdin) held it tight he smiled slightly and looked me into the eyes then i looked away then i got up smoked a cigarette then took off the stuff that was keeping me alive i walked towards him i fell on my way and my soul left my body but my spirit was still in the room i watched him bend over my corpse to close my eyes then he smiled and whispered you shouldn't have waited so long , ps: ezzedin is the name of the man i love. September 03, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
Dreamt of CEO, signing contract with another gentleman, I was shocked when I saw how lucrative the contract was and I fell on the floor revealing my genitals September 03, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I dfreamt I saw a person of authority signing documents with another stranger, I fell on the floor revealing my private parts, in shock September 03, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamed that I had a baby boy in a hospital, but it was quick and painless. Then the baby was taken away, I tried to find it but wasn't able to. I tried to get out of the hospital room when I heard loud buzzing in my left ear (like a mosquito) and wouldn't go away. I ended up on the floor screaming because the buzzing wouldn't stop. Then I'm sitting in a restaurant in a booth with a couple of other women, and they're all holding my baby but refuse to give it to me, like they're ignoring me. I can't see the baby's face during the whole time except when he turned his head for a few moments at the end of the dream. He had blonde hair and blue eyes. September 01, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
Last night I dreamed that my family and I were at a pizza place, when suddenly two middle aged women with brown hair came up to our table and started verbally attacking me. One woman said that she was a medium and the other said that she was a psychic and that they were sisters. The older sister kept telling me "I know what you've done" and then kept telling my parents "your daughter is an evil sick person who has done and will do terrible things." She said this four or five times until I got annoyed and stood up and said "I dont wan to hear this anymore, your lies are the devils work" and sat back down. They both went to sit at a table across the restaraunt from us but I could still hear them talking about me. I was very angry so I went to their table and told them to stop it. But they kept talking loudly about how I was a horrible person. The older sister would not look in my face when she was talkjng and she kept turning her head from me whenever id try to speak to her. I told them to stop three or four times until finally one lady marched up to my table and put her pizza on the table and said " we cannot eat this anymore since your filthy hands have touched it." I was so angry that I threw at their table but it landed on the floor with a plop. The manager told me to knock it off and leave these nice ladies alone and everyone in the place was glaring at me including my parents. We finished our meal and left the restaurant. I drove 2 hours through a big city until I got home. I looked in my shower and noticed that all the stuff was moved and some bodies brown hair was in clumps all over the walls. I started to rinse it all down the drain when I heard someone talking. I turned around and the two ladies were there and they started screaming at me in another language. The older sister then walked around to the front of me and the other sister then stabbed me in the back. I fell to the floor and died almost instantly. Then suddenly my parents were standing over my body and my dad was confused but my mom was crying softly. I then woke up. This dream happened in a matter of about 30 mins but felt like hours. I'm just so confused as to what this means. I have not found anything that is similar to my dream. September 19, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis