Understand My Dreams

Dreams nose

Dream kept repeating in certain parts. I was constantly back at the house. Different things happened every time I was at the house. Entered via bathroom (peach with darker door but not too dark). There was just a toilet in the room and I think a window to the right of me. Hole in the door. Dog in other room would see me and put his nose through the hole and sniff. I'd dread opening the door to the dog, but I'd do it and calm it down by stroking it. It was silky smooth. The last time I visited the house, the dog saw me through the hole and as I expected, went to put his nose in the hole and sniff, but he burst down the door instead and ended up right in front of me. This room was grey. Grey walls with photo frames (gold maybe) and grey floorboards. They all looked cracked and the wallpaper looked worn and cracked. There was no furniture in the room, though I think there might have been one set of drawers that were black in a vintage style but very worn and old. On the bottom far left was a door frame without a door. I never went through this door, but I did look out of it. There was a landing which led round to a flight of stairs going down. This landing and the stairs were also grey and worn exactly like the room I was in. Back near to the left of the bathroom there was another room. This door frame actually had a door, which was always open a few inches and looked like there was light shining into the room. I was always too scared to enter that room or to leave the grey room at all. Every time I ended up at this house the dog was a different colour. Once it was black with white spots. Another time, white, golden and black with black spots and smaller ears/nose. Another time it was white with long brown floppy ears. But I knew it was always the same dog. I know it was a male dog. He was always very on edge and almost hyper flighty. Only I could calm him down by stroking him. But he was always scared in some way and really jumpy. And so was I. I was scared of a man, incase he came to the room. I was scared he'd be in this house, but never knew if he was or not. One time, I was riding a bike that was too big. The handle bars were way too high and when I was pedalling my knees were coming up to my cheeks. I was cycling around Manchester early on a morning. People were going to work on the trams (which looked more square and red) and there were buskers dotted along the tram lines. One man made a couple of quid in less than a minute. He also looked poor but he was good at busking. I was cycling along these tramlines and near Arndale then suddenly I was riding down a hill in Easington Colliery and ended up in the bathroom of this house again. One time, people were in the house, 2 girls and a boy walking down the stairs away from me and I had a guitar and threw it to them. They were then gone.

I am at a concrete airport. Everything is rounded and made of concrete. I get on a plane with few people on it and we start down the runway. Just at the point where we should take off the plane suddenly nose dives downward and the wingtips are just missing the trees of a rainforest as we zoom on. We suddenly start moving in an upward direction and still just missing the trees we break through the canopy of the trees into bright sunshine and seem to slow down. I wake up. Fantastic, just like a fairground ride. I hope I have the dream most nights but it has only occurred about three or four times.

I had went to the hospital with my boyfriend and his mom, and I didnt know I was pregnant until the nurse told me I was having a son. She told me that baby Presten was going to be here soon and that she went through my cell phone. I started crying hysterically and fell asleep. When I woke up, my boyfriend and his mom were gone and I was starting to have contractions. It was a dark and gloomy room. I was wearing the hospital gown but still had my jeans on. Soon after, I felt the baby turn in my stomach and next thing I know he was laying in my jeans. I called the nurse for help but she told me she was busy. So I had taken him out of my jeans and cleaned his nose and throat. I called her for help again, but she didnt come. I was all alone with my baby.

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