I was trying to avoid a crocodile on a bank, but it was chasing me. I had the crocodile on one side and the river on the other. I felt stuck
I was on the phone with a man who was trying to get me to change my political views, we argued a lot. I seen a fox outside cold, covered in snow. I felt bad for him so I called him in the house. The fox tried to attack me, we struggled. My dog jumped in to save me. I was trying to get him out of the door while arguing with the politician.fjnally I got him out and I hung up on the politician realizing he didn't even care about me almost being eaten.
I was standing next to a man I didn't know and told this was who I had to marry. I said no I dont know him and he's not even attractive, a voice then said hes gay, I felt outraged. Then somebody grabbed my wrist and forced a thin gold ring onto my wedding finger of left hand. My son then appeared asking if I could smell horrible smell off him. I said not off you but took his top off and threw it aside to be washed. I then smelled strong smell of excrement it was coming from a bed next to me and the man I was told I had to marry was on the bed with another man about to engage in sexual acts and the bed had streaks of excrement on it. I thought frantically i need to get this ring off my finger and throw it away, when I looked down the ring wasn't there.
A jar full of a liquid that is eaten with food in which is generally within my culture was in the classroom. Us asians, with a guy who I never talk to anymore and another who I talked to for two days and had a lot of fun, were excited about it. The whole class laughed when I said out loud that the jar was labeled instant cock. Suddenly I was washing dishes in front of the class, carefully explaining how washing dishes was similar to life. As I came across a large amount of dishes in my way, I felt overwhelmed. Then, I was teleported to a table. Tony was sitting behind me. I said to myself
"You have her, and you'll kill him." I started bawling and crying like crazy. Tony comforted me, rubbing my back as an attempt that was obviously in vain. He tried so hard to make me feel better as I was in his arms.When I stopped crying, he looked at my face, but I looked away. I woke up.
A little backstory since I think it's relevant to a recent dream. The past couple of years I've been doing a lot of traveling and figuring out what I want, and what I don't, want to do with and have in my life. I've learned a lot and have been having a mostly awesome time (hardships always come and go) but currently finally at peace and calm with whatever happens, probably the most at ease with anything I've ever been. About two years ago I broke up with a girlfriend and it wasn't pretty. Recently, we finally had contact and while not necessarily patching things up, I cleared the air with full disclosure so internally I feel good about that now. So that's me currently but the dream deals with someone from the past. It was seven years ago and I had a childlike crush on a girl, I was 17. Probably as close to perfect as one could be but while I got to know her and became friends she ended up getting into a relationship with a guy who took her down a dark road for a few years. I was young and the crush passed like they all do and I never really had bad luck with girls so It worked out. I saw her a couple times years back but it was just small talk and not much else. So while it's been 4-5 years since I've seen or talked to her, last night I had a dream about her. I was at her parents house and we were close, kissing, and happy. I think I had just come back from another trip to a random country. She said she had letters for me and I had to read them and then decide what I wanted to do and find her and her mother and let them know my decision. I read the letters. They were dated over the years but they were never sent to me. She had kept them. They said that she loved me and wanted to be with me. As I read them the dream became almost lucid. I felt a sense of acceptance and salvation as I knew how she felt, after everything I had been through, experienced, and done, she had wanted me, and had told her whole family such, and it was a pretty amazing sensation. That's pretty much the dream. One of my favorite ones and the only one I can remember in quite a long time. Thoughts?
I had a dream about my ex and his girlfriend . I went to visit his mom and sister, as I was leaving their house, I saw my ex's girlfriend . and I felt like my heart dropped to my stomach. I remember driving away and waving to my ex.
There was earth breaking all around me as I was running. Looking to save my family there was lava spewing up from the ground. There were balls of fire raining down as far as I could see. Devestation and smoke were everywhere. As I ran I saw shelter. It had a giant entrance with large white pillars, and upon entering I saw a simple wooden desk. The desk was unattended and held one small pencil and a large book. As I approached the book, I felt it was of great importance to my saving. I stepped in front of it and a figure dressed in white appeared. He said to me in a language I did not know, "recite le Vatican". I felt lost and confused, not knowing what to say, yet as though he read the confusion of my mind, he vanished from my path, permitting me to pass. As I walked past the pillars and into the large building I had to walk down a flight of cement stairs. At the bottom I had to enter into a stall, almost like a private stall, but with nothing in it. When I entered I felt a deep sense of doom come over me. I was afraid, and sensed danger. As I stood entering the stall I saw what appeared to be bile running under the stall next to me. Without hearing, my mind heard that an angel in grey had pierced the side of another, and that was their fluids gushing out. I turned to leave and as exiting the stall there was a long mirror to pass. I saw myself in the mirror all I saw was an angel dressed in black behind me, There were flying black spirits above my head, swooping toward me and I was awakened out of my dream.
I was in a school gymnasium. shiny floors of the basketball court... red and white line markers on the floor of the court. i am standing in the middle of the gymnasium, the bleachers are full of people. I can see them, notice their clothes and feel that I know who they are... however, I cannot see any of their faces. They have blank faces. Like skin pulled down over them or something. No features, just flat skin colored faces.They do have their hair, I believe... though none stood out that I recall. In front of me is a man in all black. pants, long sleeves, and a black ski mask. He has a knife... a jagged edge knife like a hunting knife or something. He is repeatedly stabbing my mother who is hunched over and dressed in some sort of dress or long skirt and long sleeves. I cannot see my mothers face but I knew it was her. I start screaming and trying to run towards them but cannot move. All of a sudden, an old friend from school 3-12th grade friend, Cory was beside me with his arm around me as though he were comforting me. His face was the only one I could see in the whole nightmare. All of a sudden, my mother drops to the floor and lots of blood. The man swings his head up and looks at me straight in the eyes. I can see his medium brown almond shaped eyes. the skin around them was of a light brown color. He lunged towards me to come after me and I was able to turn and run - this is where I woke up. When I woke up, I was hysterical and as if in another world. one that I couldnt get out of. My roommates say I satt in the closet for three days. Rocking and crying and talking about my mother being dead and that he was coming for me. All I remember is that anytime I would close my eyes, it would continue so I didnt want to go to sleep. The next thing I know, or realize, or came to... so to speak... I was standing in the kitchen cooking macaroni on the stove and my friend was standing there looking at me and asking what I was doing. I dont remember coming out of this state at all. If three people hadnt told me and were all very serious about the fact that I had been in the closet freaking out for three days and nobody could calm me down or get me out of that place or state I was in.... I wouldnt believe it. I didnt think I had been there for three days, nor did I remember a lot of what they said I was doing... All I know is what I felt and what seemed so real to me to this day. I usually dont remember details like these from my dreams/nightmares... this one didnt feel like a dream... it felt like reality. people continue to tell me it was only a dream, but all I can say is that I have never had a dream feel like this or put me into such a scary and helpless place. I never EVER want to go there again. This was when I was 18yrs old. Since, my mother has passed from alcoholism when I was 33.I am 40 now.
This guy, whom I barely know but really like a lot, french-kissed me, and he had something in his mouth, which he transported into my mouth during the kiss. And when I felt it in my mouth, I asked him: "what is that?", and he said it was speed (the drug).. Then I tried to spit as much of it out of my mouth as possible, and said that I have never done drugs in my life, and that I take some medication, which might have some serious consequences if mixed with drugs, and the guy's friend apologized to me and got kinda frightened, and then he locked me up in a room in the apartment where they all stayed, and I got really sad and tired and depressed, and the guy whom I really care for, didn't seem to care about me at all or about what just happened.. I don't think the drug has affected me much, I've probably spit the most of it out, but I did get a really depressed look on my face, and it seemed like the guy I care for even got disgusted by the sight of me... Can this dream be signifying what's really going on in my life? What I mean is: I really like this guy, whom I feel soulmate connection with, and who seems to be really attracted to me and like me too, but it's like he tries to ignore it and acts like he doesn't really care for me, which is very confusing and upsetting because I would really love to get to know him better.. So maybe this dream is telling me to forget about this guy, and if I'll trust him he's going to hurt me? Or can it actually mean something else or predict something?
On a trip with my best male friend and a close female friend. I woke up to find my close female friend and my best male friend naked in the same bed. I felt awkward and deflated, but I don't fancy him. I then walked into the corridor and I walked past many rooms, including a tattoo room and a spa. I went back to our room and got dressed, then went out to explore the town. Then it was the next day, and I left without saying goodbye to my friends. I was about to get into the taxi when I realised I left my slippers in the room. I went back to the room and my best male friend hugged me, he put his hands under my shirt and squeezed my hips. We sat on the floor and hugged for ages