My ex girlfriend was with another guy in a classroom and she started crying. I went over to her and touched her face and she looked at me.
I dreamed of my ex girlfriend having my baby when she says its her current boyfriend s
My ex girlfriend is in distress and starts crying. I go to her and touch her face and look at her and she looks at me.
I had a dream i started dating a man i long to date for a long time, i loved him, he asked me to go to a party and i told him i might not be able to make it, i went to the party with the intentions of suprising him, when i found him having sex with his ex girlfriend , upon opening the door and catching them, his ex girlfriend said to me i told u i would sleep with ur man. He instently pushed her off of him said she told him i was cheating, an begged for forgiveness, i forgave him, but some time later on we were having intercourse and he moaned her name instead of mine.
I was in bed with a boy that i fancy (and i think he likes me too) but his ex girlfriend was in the bed next to us so we couldnt do anything but he was cuddling and kissing me on the sly
Me&my boyfriend of almost 2years were@a motel. i was walking around when i saw one of his ex- girlfriend s/mother of his first child..we spoke&parted ways. it was starting to get dark,so i headed back to the room,when i could hear my boyfriend &his ex around the corner talking about getting back together. when they saw me,the ex girlfriend kissed my boyfriend . i ran toward them both&she took off running. i caught up w/her,grabbed her&started punching&kicking her but i never could kick or hit her as hard as i wanted to
I had a dream that my husband had left me to be with his ex girlfriend because i was jelous and insulted her for even being around. He would still call me his love and the feelings toward me where there but i walked away being that he decided to be with her. There was alot of regret but doubt in his eyes.
My boyfriend 's ex girlfriend
I Had spoke of a female neighbour who had been showing me attention,then dreamt of her. Also in the same dream a previous ex girlfriend who i have not seen in seven years was present.
I had a dream that my ex girlfriend is pregnant