Wearing a white wedding dress with silver trimming but the pastor refuse to marry me and the wedding rings got lost July 05, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
I was swimming with a group of fish of different kind. One fish jumped up it was silver in the middle and red all arroud it. There was a sting ray I held on to its tail for a little bit so it would not sting me but after a while it did sting me on the left thumb June 30, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
Dream thousands of my teeth fell out and I was collecting them in a jar. One of the teeth had a filling in it that was silver, which was a tooth of my childhood. July 27, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
I'm driving and for some reason my car slid off road my dead father comes to pick me up on a silver motorcycle. July 11, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
I was meeting up with friends at a fancy hotel where a family friend had booked us a room to stay for a couple of months. I was out looking for a dress in case the one that I already had wasn't going to be a good enough. I was looking for a dress for a dance that was going on later that night. While I was looking in a store with my mom and sister, I asked how much a bright red shirt was and the man flipped out on me and chased me around store. I hid in the dressing room while I waited for him to go away and then I ran out. The next thing was that I was back at the hotel room and ran into my friend mike who was studying for a test. while I was talking to him about it, I was swirling around on this bar stool until I almost fell off but Mike caught me. We disturbed an older gentleman who was standing near by. As I was eating some pasta, I asked Mike if he was staying at the hotel and he said he was and I asked what floor, since we were staying on the fourth. The fourth floor was the most expensive luxury apartment rooms. He said the fourth, and I asked how he was able to get a room like that. He also had a friend paying for the room. He picked me up and flipped me around, almost letting me hit the floor. Then my dream jumps to all of my friends and I in an SUV driving down a freeway in the second to right lane. On our left we passed a white cop car and I realize we are good we were only doing 70. Just then a silver little sports car with a sun roof zooms past us and I thought the cop car should catch them. All of a sudden I tell my friend to stop and pull over. I saw a person walking on the freeway, then another SUV tipped over and there were 4 bodies laid out on the freeway right in front of us where we stopped. I got up and yelled at the the man who was first walking across the freeway, "Why would you want to hang yourself out of the sunroof on the freeway? Don't you see you hurt this poor family now?" He said he did it for fun and then ran off. I noticed all these cars rushing towards the family who was laid out on the pavement still. I went to try to help and I saw a truck slam on his breaks and put on his hazards as he soon got slammed into. I was along the wall on the freeway thinking about going out into the lanes to wave my hands, and then I realized that I had to drag the people off the freeway because the cars weren't going to stop. I convinced my friends to help me move the family off the freeway. The cops showed up and as I was telling them the story of what happened, I started feeling pain in my hands and feet. I then realized that I was swelling up. I thought it had to do with something with the car crash. It was swelling so fast it hurt and the cops could see how much pain I was in. One of them sliced my foot and a lot of liquid came out. Then she sliced my hand and water then puss, then a small piece of pasta came out. She smelt it and asked if I had pasta earlier. I told her I had, but I eat pasta all the time. She said that some times pasta at fancy places make theirs from scratch and they make them with lavender. I told her I was indeed allergic to lavender. They got me an ambulance and then I woke up. July 07, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
I've had this dream many times and I have no idea what it means. I start off seeing a lot of cartoon babies rolling around in fake puke looking dirt. The dirt has many dips in it and it moves like waves, but horizontally. The dirt is tan with green bits in it. Then I end up inside a silver round spaceship with a lot of buttons and screens. The evil stepmother from Cinderella (the cartoon) is standing with her back facing me. Then she turns around with her arm outstretched pointing at me. She says in a loud booming voice "You!" Then a light that looks and shines like a star flashes at her finger tip and I wake up. It's not scary thinking about it afterwards, but as I'm in the dream I have a feeling of pure terror the whole time. Even while the babies are rolling around, and I love babies. I wake up crying and scared. July 22, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
Dreamt of going into a swimming pool then suddenly loads of small fishes came to me, different colours, small tiny ones, but moving on, there are big fish looking at me. the small tiny fishes were red and others are silvery/orange colour. what does this mean? July 19, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
I'm driving in my jeep and for some reason it goes off the road and I must have called my father who is now passed away and he said I'm coming to get you to take you home and he picks me up on a silver Harley Davidson Motorcycle I hid my cigarettes in my glove box from him he takes me to my mothers where we are sitting around and he says he is going to play cards. July 11, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis