Im swimming through a flooded river, going to shopping with sister. she is pregnant January 22, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I was shopping and brought black stocking, suspenders and underwear and I was with my ex- girlfriend January 14, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamed my sister and I were shopping for dresses that we had to have to wear to a wedding that was two hours away. we were in a hurry and of course she found just the right dress while I kept looking and trying on dresses that were frumpy and too big or too little. Nothing fit. I ended up getting a burnt orange dress that was long and ugly. January 26, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
Dreamt my boyfriend met my family during the holidays then asked me if I needed money before going shopping January 23, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
Tonight I had a dream where I was back at my childhood home and I had my boyfriend with me. I used to always take in stray animals off the street and look after them as I was growing up and in my dream in the corner of the yard near the grapevines I saw a dobberman with a puppy and then two snakes twisted around each other that were near the dogs. I was worried that they would attack the dogs. The mum dog then bit into one of the snakes, shook it and threw it away into centre yard from where the snake, one injured the other still connected started slithering away and it was making a rattlesound so I assumed it was a rattlesnake. It was heading towards a cat with a kitten so I grabbed a stick and dragged the snakes closer to the house and put a box over them with the intention to burn them. My boyfriend came over to help me. Somehow the box got knocked away and I noticed that my current dog was near them and he was close to being bitten so I called him away. From a distance I could see another pair of snakes similar twisted around each other. I'm not sure what happened afterwards but i was with my boyfriend somewhere in a shopping centre just catching up and he was missing his ring finger and pinky on his left hand, apparently due to snake bites while he was getting rid of them for me. I was shocked because I wanted to get rid of the snakes myself as I grew up handling them and have never been scared of them but after seeing my boyfriend I felt scares of snakes for the first time, then I woke up. February 04, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I called my deceased husband on the cell phone, he was alive in my dream. He said two days after Christmas he fell in love with another women and wanted to divorce me. He was talking to me from work. I was upset, told our daughters that he was dead, all the financial accounts were transferred in my name and I was not going to change them. I also said that we were going to go on a shopping spree with his credit card at Macy's. February 01, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
Dreamt i was at the mall but it was also my school. i was with my friend and my boyfriend shopping for heels and had pink fuzzy socks on but no one told me. then we all went to the bar, ordered food and drinks and i woke up January 23, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis