I dreamed that my old classmates and I were taken on a field trip to spin some sort of wheel of fortune. In order to spin it, we had to inject something and cut into a lady's face. Every time I tried to inject the needle into her face, something would go wrong and there would be blood everywhere. Even when I did it supposedly the right way, tinned of blood fell to the lady's chin. My prize from the wheel ended up being relief.
My son who passed away came to me in a dream. I was sitting on a couch when I heard a helicopter sound. Then something started spinning. The image became clearer and my husband yelled that's Jason. I ran and hugged him so tight. My son was crying. It looked like tears of joy. I kept saying are you okay and he kept nodding and hugging me.
Living in what seems a very tall building, felt dizzy, felt like room was spinning round, it was....literally. earthquake, building swaying, ran down stairs to escape. Same situation two more times, building split in half once, was packing to move house, partner came home saying he had bought a new house so we could leave now
Kinnar giving blessing
Chocolate powdered cake. mountains. dead dog. wolves. pelts. skinned. taste weird. bus stop. fur coat. ex boyfriend . denim jacket. crowd. throw. recover. desert. videogame. cloud. pixels. doors, suitcases, labyrinth. start over. friends. caterpillar. perspective change. woman dancing. a golden coin? a fragmented map. broken.
I was about to be in a fight and needed power, so i wrote a pact to a light skinned, dark haired petite woman to protect and serve her in exchange for her sharing her power with me, then magically transferred the pact into a ring
I dreampt of my dad who is dead he was standing behind his car he was wearing a green jacket i saw him and ran to him hugging him and tellinng him how much i have missed him and how much i love him
I dreampt of my dad who is dead he was standing behind his car with th back hatch open. i saw him and ran to him hugging him and tellinng him how much i have missed him and how much i love him
Living in what seems a very tall building, felt dizzy, felt like room was spinning round, it was....literally. earthquake, building swaying, ran down stairs to escape. Same situation two more times, building split in half once, was packing to move house. Partner came home saying he had bought a new house so we could leave now