It was my sisters wedding dinner and I am the maid of honour,I was wearing a pretty blue dress That finally fits as I was on a diet.i was looking good and my family friend who I am infatuated with truth I barely know him.he and I go out to the garden sit on the grass looking at the sky and we talk about random things.he kisses me on the lips and it starts to rain but we continue kissing .finally someone calls us dress is ruined and I have to change but I want to wear another dress so I can look good to get his attention
Dinner with dead husband
Curry dinner
I was in a room with my ex- boyfriend sitting on the couch and my Mom was sleeping in a chair on the other side of the room. He said "I want you to crawl on the couch" so I did and he got on top of me and wouldn't let me get up. I was wearing a bathing suit and he undid the top and bottom and I was worried my Mom would see. Then he said we were going to dinner with some people and I said "in our bathing suits" and he said "yes". I went into the bathroom that was there to fix my bathing suit and he waiting outside. The bathroom stalls were taken so I had to wait...then I woke up.
Three guys in suits are arguing for
my love. They have on suits. At a round dinner table
Three guys in suits which are my friends and one is my boyfriend are arguing fot my love. They have on suits. At a round dinner table
I would have this reoccurring dream when I was really young. I would be sitting at the table with my family in a little cottage. It wasn't my home. We were eating dinner. It was raining. A man showed up at our door and we let him in to eat with us. He sat down at the table. After a little he transformed into a terrifying, ugly wolf. All the walls of house sort of disappear and it's just me running from this wolf. I'm so scared. I keep running, and I would try to think of something happy to get me away from the wolf. I'd imagine a little patch of sunflowers. Almost immediately after picturing myself in the sunflowers the wolf appears. He still found me. And then I'd wake up crying.
My mother, father, sister and I were on a vacation. We were going out to dinner and everyone started giving me an attitude for no reason. My mother told me she wishes I was never born. My father agreed. My sister jast laughed.
I'm pregnant in my first trimester, though I keep having nightmares. last night I had a dream that i had gave birth. though it started that i woke up at home, with no bump and asked what happened. my family then told me id gave birth to a baby girl, but she wasn't beside me. when i asked where she was, they said they left her at the hospital. i started screaming that we were to go and get her instantly, that i needed her and she needed me but a family member then spoke and said "we cant go now, we havent had our dinner'. the thoughts running through my head were of a baby wrapped in pink, completely alone in a huge hospital. this scared the life out of me and for some reason, i couldnt walk, so i started dragging myself along the floor using my hands and arms while my family sat and watched. i headed towards the door in distraught screaming and crying, at that point, i woke up.
Sitting on a beach talking to a guy and go home for dinner and then sleep together