Understand My Dreams

Dreams chest

I had 5 other siblings and 2 parents. All of them were unfamiliar. They weren't my real family. I was at the house with them, and a dirty puddle that went straight down the middle of the driveway had seemed a bit suspicious. It seemed to be deep, and something appeared to be in it that was hunting me down. Dean Winchester came up in his Impala and said that the puddle was dangerous and full of Demons. He mentioned that he needed to take me away to someplace he figured to be safe. Somewhere, small but with people who he knew. He held my two small bags for me, but realized he needed to walk across the puddle to get to his car. It was safe for him, but I wasn't able to. He gave me my bags and picked me up and took me to his car. We drove off and it took hours to get there. It was dark out, and he brought me to a place where they raised chickens. He took me out of the car and I stayed at the home for several days until he came back to get me with my family.

I Am On A Quest Searching For Someone That's Close To My Heart And Soul. I Don't Know This Persons Name Or What They Look Like Just That If I Don't Find This Person It Could Mean Death. I Go Down Into This Valley Of Nothingness And I Have To Go Into This Deep Dark Sewer That Seems Endless In It's Entirety. Once I Get To The Bottom Finally With A Circular Center Of Cascading Water And Purest Marble And Stone. The Water Is Deep Enough To Rise Above The Ankles. There Are 4 Rooms Surrounding The Circular Center. Each One Being Entirely Different In It's Shape Position and Presence. 1. Room Is Rounded And Long And Deep But Brightly Lit By Orbs Of Untouchable Lights That Are Scorching In Their Purity. The Further Into The Room I Enter The More Intense The Lights Become and They Begin To Burn Into The Very Depth Of My Soul Making Me Dizzy and Aware Of An Overwhelming Need To Lay Down and Sleep. Forceing Me To Flee Out Of There Lest I Give In And Not Finish My Quest 2. The 2nd Room Is Short and Shallow The Smell Is So Musty And Reeks Of Death And Despair. Despair So Heart Shattering That It's Like It's Own Personal Purgatory. There Is Nothing But Dim Lightning And Grey Mishapen Stone Walls That Glistened With Only What Could Be Described As Tears Thousands and Thousands Of Heart Wrenching Tears. Entering This Room I Can Only Make It Halfway Before Falling To My Knees Sobbing And Crying Out To The Heavens For Forgiveness Not Of Myself But For Those Lost Here, Because I Know I Know Within My Heart Of Hearts That What I Feel Here Can Never Be Redeemed Never Be Found and Will Never Make It Before The Gates Of Heaven Or The Gates Of Hell. It Shakes Me To The Core So Deeply That I Barely Have The Strength To Crawl On My Hands And Knees Sobbing Like My Own Heart Has Been Ripped Out To The Center Of Rooms. 3. This Room Is Highly Arched And Ancient Rome In It's Design. It Has Symbols Unlike Anything Imagined From Floor To Ceiling. Flames Of Lights Stream Down From The Ceiling Going All The Way Down. It Is Beautiful In It's Design. But The Symbols Are Memerizing They Move With The Trail Of A FingerTip And The Longer I'm Here The More I Want To Stay and Figure Out The Meaning Behind These Unknown Symbols. I Keep Following The Symbols In Wonder Until I See This Large Symbol Unlike All The Others It Is Red And Large and Ominous But Strangely Intriguing. I Have To Touch It Just From Sheer Curiousity. But As Soon As I Touch It The Flames Of Light Exstinguish and The Symbols Start Spinning In An Amazing Tornado and The Room Pitches Into Black And The Hallway Starts Rapidly Closing And The Water That Was Only Ankle Deep Before Is Gushing In From Nowhere and I'm Forced To Run Back Towards The Entrance As Stones and Marbles Come Crashing Down. I Make It To The Center To See That The Water Is Waist Deep And Murky In Color. The Stones and Marbles Are Still Crashing All Around The Previous Entrance Is Blocked. The Other Rooms Are Destroyed and The Darkness Of Nothing Is Threatning To Engulf Me. 4.Room Four Is Short And Slanted And Unappealing. There Is A Dirty Blood Smeared Mattress Blocking The Entrance. I Have To Crawl Underneath The Mattress With Blood Smearing In My Hair On My Skin Burning Holes Through The Touched Places Causing Me To Scream. The Water Is Above My Head And I'm Swimming Furiously Towards An Opening That I Hope Is An Opening And I'm Panicking That The Lack Of Oxygen Is Gonna Make Me Pass Out. But I Reach The Opening And Tumble Out Dry and Whole Like Nothing Ever Happened. But The Valley Is Different It's Green And Bold And Full Of Beautiful Wildflowers As Tall As My Chest I Am Crying Cuz I've Unfinished My Quest. I Race To The Top Of The Hill With A Razor Wire Fencing And Reach It To Cry Out In Despair There Is Only A 2000 Foot Drop Off Into Black Nothingness On The Other Side. So I Climb Back Down The Hill To The Valley Of Beauty But Loneliness and I Lay There Knowing That I Have To Get Back To The 4 Rooms Or Death Will Be Waiting. Then I Wake Up

Something about seeing robot demons that look like the robots from a show called My Life as a Teenage Robot. They were in my old best friend's "room" (a house I see sometimes in my dreams that I think always had that one friend living in it) and the birthday girl robot got the other robots to smash stuff in the room. Then I think I was out in the house's backyard with some classmates from last year: two guys, one girl (I think it was my friend I've been hanging out with since school started). One of the guys had on a normal shirt with a see through shirt on top that had lots of tiny holes in it. The bigger holes were only a few and on the back of the see through shirt. (When I told the guy, he didn't seem very surprised, like he didn't care.) Before i actually went over to my classmates, I was just laying a ways away in the grass but I turned and saw a small spider web with a spider on it in the grass. I looked and saw more tiny spiders around me, some very close. I went over to my classmates then. I was sitting by the girl, then suddenly I was sitting by the guy with the holes in his shirt. after that I was inside In my old friend's "room" but there were no robots, just my friend and another girlwith her. They were having fun and even let me take pictures of them but when I tried to send them the pictures, my phone was doing all sorts of stuff like I was actually on it. Then my dream changed into something I can't remember but i think my grandpa was in it. Then it went back to my friends house. I left then walked halfway across the street then looked backed and saw her moms shadow downstairs in the kitchen and her dad walking downstairs (both i saw through wondows, one downstairs and one at the top of the stairs). I went back to the house and suddenly I was outside the second floor window, opening it pretty quietly and got in. I saw the dad and little brother at the bottom of the stairs and the dad paused and I knew I had to move before he turned around. I did and felt I'd made it just in time, unseen. I went into my friend's room but neither my friendnor the other girl was there so I left through the stairs ewindow again (no one at the bottom of the stairs) and tried to leave quietly. The window messed upand made a loud crashing noise which alerted the people downstairs (I think only the mom and dad). I dropped in a hurry and ran back across the street and only got halfway before I realized I was covering my chest because I had no shirt or bra on. My top half was completely naked. Then my dream ended.

My girl friend, who I loved very much, comes in my dreams in different ways and almost every night. Riding together in my car with hands together between us and we are smiling. other times, sitting ion our leather love seat and playing with each other - playing, poking, laughing. Also, laying together in bed, her back fitting into my chest - body to body and sleeping. Or, walking hand in hand and smiling. Finally, at tan island beach in the sun and in the water together. She passed away in bed with me on 6 Oct 2012...totally unexpected and tore my heart out...to much to write but these dreams started about 7 weeks ago.I had the dream of her and I in bed sleeping next to each there months after the event but only occasionally. These are now most days...beautiful dream....not bad dreams in feeling. Thank you. Dennis . .

I'm at a friends house, preparing a small surprise party for another friend arriving from abroad (for some reason, I think they're coming from Poland). I'm grating cheese onto a plate when one of my friends starts using a hairdryer or fan and the grated cheese blows off the plate. We become angry with each other and then everyone in the room starts arguing (I think there's 5 of us). I leave by the back door. I'm in my local village and both sides of the road are lined with severely damaged cars, damaged by other cars driven by people who are infected (I think). I start noticing that the people around me are acting strange, like they're feral. A man walks up to me (not feral) and touches my arm, he's lost and confused. He sees a woman and says "It's you. you've done this". Then there is darkness. We have fallen and he's landed on top of me (I can feel my breasts pressed to his chest) but it doesn't feel sexual. Then I am looking through his eyes (this is interchangeable, sometimes I'm in my head, sometimes in his). Through him I talk to one of his ancestors who tells him they've been searching for him to save them. There is some kind of war going on. Still as him, I'm riding on top of a cart, I jump from it and land on a horse. I slit it's throat. I then flash back to my friends house and I'm in one of my friends heads. She is locked in a closet, feeling confused and acting like the feral people I saw earlier. Someone enters the room and she's scared. Now I'm back behind the mans eyes (I see him as a warrior). Then back to myself. We see each other and feel connected. The war is over. Back to myself in my friends kitchen. I've grated too much cheese and everything is back to normal, no-one remembers anything apart from me and I'm confused. I can remember and I know it happened. I get up and leave through the back door. I want to find the warrior. I wake up.

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