Understand My Dreams

Dreams calm

My parents were fighting right in front of my brothers and i.my mom was trying to calm my dad down but my dad was still yelling at her. my brothers and i were lined up the way we were born first was my brother jose then my sister michelle and last was me.and then my brother went to use the bathroom my sister went upstairs to get her laptop but i stayed there and all of a sudden poof my parents and i were no longer in our house we were in a foggy white place. my mother and i had angel wings and were wearing a white dress and we had no shoes my dad was wearing a red and black coat he had red shoes on and had red horns on his head and then a hand reached out and grabbed my mom and i and took us to a white gate my father standed there staring at us

I am with my family at a friends home on a lake. It is a friend of my wife's. Although we are all there (I sense), only my daughter and I are in the dream. She is down by the lake on a huge, long dock - where she was told not to go. I see her from the yard and yell to her to get away from the water. She starts to run back, slips and falls into the water. I run to the dock and catch a glimpse of her as she sinks. I dive in to rescue her. The water is calm and dark - black. There is no bottom and nothing in the water. I can't find her. I go back under several time and feel myself getting weaker with each pass. After 4-5 tries, I can barely tread water myself. I go under again - again, no bottom, no weeds, not even the dock posts. I head for the surface and all I can see is the sun coming through the water. It looks like a flashlight. As I break to surface I wake up. I woke to my heart pounding, my pulse racing - a full-on panic attack. I never recovered my daughter.

Had a dream that my husband (57) and I (44) was getting married and my neighbor was hosting the reception. I remembered seeing a wooden house and wanted to go inside but was told not to, it was painted Blue trim with white, it was old but looked new, then the whole front of the house fell flat on the ground. My husband and I then went on a sailboat just the two of us. The sea was calm and we were having fun. After a while the sea became rough and the boat begin to rock from side to side, water started to come into the boat, when we came out to see what was going on, there were big waves coming at the boat and we were at another island, my husband's homeland and there was a big festival going on.

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