Understand My Dreams

Dreams yelling

I was in an argument with my ex- girlfriend . We were splitting after a 9 1/2 year relationship. We still lived together and I was going to keep the house. She was upset, angry, and mean to me because I hadn't taken care of the mortgage transfer yet. She was yelling at me to either take care of it or that she was keeping the house and that I would be forced to move out. I was upset because I felt like my integrity was being questioned. I awoke feeling anxious but determined to take care of all of my responsibilities because I had already been working on them. I was very impatient with the progress and wanted everything to be completed as quickly as possible.

I was in school. College perhaps, because I recall being able to call the teacher "professor." I think, even, that the teacher in question was one of my teachers from college. Liz, we called her. Her first name was Elizabeth. I can't even remember what her formal 'teacher name' would be. She was always just Liz. My class and I had a project to do. A last-minute, end of the year project that was thrown together due to poor planning on the professor's part. I had to go to a particularly large classroom - literally quite grandiose, with stacks of bookshelves for some reason lining the walls - and I had to put on a performance for a class of younger students. We were tasked with performing Star Wars - just the first movie, Darth Vader and all that noise. But we had no costumes. Nor did we have any preparation. We had to do it right then. The only costumes we could find were (and this may be dangerous to say around these parts)... animal costumes. Fur suits. All I can remember was being mad. That wasn't what I signed up for. I was failed by the educational system. Failed by my professor. I remember yelling about it, making a scene, in front of the audience, about how much of an utter disgrace the whole thing was.

Last night i dreamt that my ex boyfriend who i just recently broke up with told me he was Gay. I asked him if he had sex with a man and he said yes and he seemed happy. My reaction was very distrubed. I told him im going to get tested and that i would never have sex with him again , even with a condom. His reaction was very sad. He shrunk down in his seat once i said that. Then my bestfriend was yelling in the dream. "Im telling you He's Gay! " What does it All mean ?

Im walking through a door into a house/ apartment town house place. I open the door and im asking for brian to no one in particular, just yelling it.He is a friend of mine that passed away in 2007 at the age of 19. We were friends at one point but than we stopped being friends because of personal differences. we weren't friends for a long time before that either, we had met at parties. anyways, Im walking in and I see all of these other people around but their eyes are very different. They are very very small and black and beedy. They don't look like nice eyes. I brush that off and again ask for brian. I go up a short flight of stairs and there he is. He always had these bright blue eyes which were just glowing very beautifully. I run up to him and he seems happy. Ive always wondered when he died if he was ever still upset for what had occurred between the two of us. I ask him if he can talk and he says no, he has to go be there for his daughter. He doesn't have a daughter to my knowledge or anyone elses. I asked him for a kiss in the dream for some reason and he smiled and leaned in and kissed me. The very weird thing is I knew I was dreaming the whole time and was semi conscious of this dream. I felt him kiss me on the lips and I felt it outside of my dream. like he had just kissed me in real life. I felt the lip to lip and a little bit of heavy breath in real life. Than I woke up.

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