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Dreams sky

Found 674 dreams containing sky - Page 25

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I was outside of my dormitory with two friends who attend the school with me. we were standing and then noticed a rattling sound in a tree next to us. the tree had no leaves since it was winter time. after focusing on the sound we notice that the rattling noise was coming from what looked like a bird, but after it flew directly towards my face i then noticed the animal wasn't a bird but a tiny brown bat.i was thinking what is a bat doing out in the day time it must be confused, poor thing. there after we noticed these large creatures flying in the sky that were swirling above in the sky. they looked like huge birds but after the creatures began to swirl in closer i noticed that it was a beautiful white horse, that looked fat and strong with like lightning blue squiggly designs on it. along side it was also a healthy looking very pink, fat pig. both had wings and were flying. the animals landed onto the ground and then a van pulled up and they ended up in the van somehow with these men who seemed dangerous. i felt as though the men were killers but would not kill me nor my friends. we were not on their kill list. however the pig ended up being stabbed with a dagger and began to run out of the van. the horse ran after it and rounded it up back into the van. my friends and i also ended up in the van. the pig was hurt but wasn't bleeding. the puncture was one that would cause major bleeding if the object inserted was to be pulled out. the horse seemed to be the big's guardian.

I started out at my uncles house ( wasn't his real house ), and i was playing with my little cousins. Me and my cousins were having fun and everything but then i went to this room. This is were the dream went from normal to what ever its supposed to be. So now from this room i look out the window and i see this HUGE house ( in this dream my uncle's house was big but not as big as the house across the street/ and im not sure if i saw a person or not at the house across the street) . Then i see a door and the door takes you out to the roof of my uncles house, but then i look up and see the sky and it was pitch black dark, full moon, stars everywhere ( felt like the sky was right in my face ). I get a feeling in my gut ( because i'm scared of height's ). I tell my self not to go out onto the roof but im even hard head with my own conscious so i try to go and it was like i was about to fall but i caught my self ( the sky got bigger then). I did the same thing again and the sky gets even bigger. I did it one more time and the sky gets bigger, like the moon is right in my face and im holding on the the door trying not to fall into the sky and then i woke up.

My mom was possessed and wanted to kill me, I scratched her neck so badly she was bleeding and then my oldest sister appeared and hit her on her bum with a sjambok she started bleeding there too, that hurt me to see, she then tried to explain to us that she was not committing these murders intentionally, she was possessed but no one listened to her. I also saw the sky was too shades grey and maroon, my sister hit my mom in public with small boys nearby playing soccer were watching and that was also embarrassing for me

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