Understand My Dreams

Dreams nose

This was a very realistic and lengthy dream. It started with news that the United States was being invaded by either another country or aliens (I'm not sure). My instinct was to escape and try to get away because all of the country's citizens were going to be killed. I started driving with my Mom, but then lost her and ended up in another city. I found some friends and my cousins and we heard of a plane that was going to save some people. We went to the plane, but were told that we were not on the list to escape. When the guards weren't looking, we snuck on the plane. I was in search of my boyfriend and wanted to make sure he was ok, but I never was able to find him. As soon as we got on the plane it took off. In the air, we were being attacked by a large ship that was blowing up buildings around us and firing at us. The pilot was able to nose dive and fly us to safety despite the large size of the plane. We landed in a small town. We must have been flying for hours or days because when we left when it was dark, but landed during the day. A couple in the area let us into their home and fed us and gave us a place to sleep. Once in their home and away from immediate danger, I thought about my boyfriend and dog and became very upset. I shared my feelings with others in my dream and then woke up.

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