The dream was about meeting my ex girlfriend with all our families. it was in a hotel in manchester
My ex girlfriend was dating my friend. My ex girlfriend got married which made me cry. Sleeping with boss. Serving food to boss. Dad smoking
I was in Paris with a friend and we took a taxi to a few landmarks but ended up at a museum with Chinese statues and samurai statues. Then messages from my ex girlfriend were showing up on the facade of a wooden building. She told me she cheated on me since June 21. This is the day before my birthday. She apologized and said she was ready to make it better and would do so on Valentines Day. The building became to full with messages and she had to use the other side to post messages.
Having dreams with my ex girlfriend
My ex girlfriend telling me i use to look cute
Seeing pictures of my ex girlfriend with another guy
My ex girlfriend hooked up with someone elso.
My ex girlfriend was engaged
My ex girlfriend had on a wedding ring