Understand My Dreams

Dreams animals

I am driving the car, I collect an older man and small child on the way and they sit in the back seat. The man gives me the directions on the way to go, he knows the way, a shortcut. I think we are going to the airport. We go off the road, across paddocks where dead horses have been dumped, like a farmer would do on a farm with dead animals but they are not rotting, they look mummified. I try to avoid the piles as we come across them because I think it will scare the child but the man is not concerned. The last pile I remember is a big pile of horses heads, distinctive like they have been mummified. They are strong looking black horses with flowing manes.

In my dream, I was with my cousin outside my house in the dark & we were looking for something but I wasnt sure yet. By the time we cam inside we had collected cups of tadpoles, baby fish & turtles. We then took an old round fish tank (one I own in waking life) & proceeded to prepare the tank at just the right temperature not to kill the animals. We spent so long fixing the fish tank I guess mysteriously all of the turtles died except two. We were still happy & put those into the tank, forgetting all about the other little fish that seemingly just disappeared. Also, my cousin surprised me with a frog she had caught & was teasing me with it, knowing I have a huge fear of frogs (also in waking life) & I remember thinking I needed a bigger cleaner tank, but that the turtles would probably be fine. Then, I woke up.

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