Walking down a long hallway with graffiti on both sides of the walls and as i walk the hallway gets longer and longer and i never reach the end! and there are voices yelling all around me but there is nobody there. October 21, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I was backing my truck into my drive way and then ran into and totaled my dads jeep, my front porch, and the mail box. Then my dad came running towards me yelling at me and asked why I was being so stupid and that I needed to pay to fix everything and take all my money from my saving for my breast augmentation to do it. Then I was crying my eyes out and my aunt kept telling me how I was faking it and wasn't really that sad. October 18, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamt I was on the run. I had a black and white cat upon my shoulder. I ended up taking a chubby-ish girl with me who asked first to be paid. As we travelled, we encountered a shy robot girl who was wishing our wellbeing. I asked for her to come with us. We found a gigantic turtle - our destination - a wise old thing who was trapped in ropes. A hare was grumbling and yelling back to the turtle pinned underneath his shell. I cut the ropes away and then fastened myself beneath to the metal bars. The cat, I think, stayed on the top of the turtle, whilst I grabbed hold of the robot and the girl fastened herself in just above me. October 18, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
My significant other had a dream that we were yelling at each other and walking barefoot October 22, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
First i was in a stadium with my dad sitting far from me but kept looking at one another i had this guy I'm currently talkin to tha loves me and i asked him to come back to my house with me to get something i can't remember but we were walkin through the bushes with people and homes all through it he stopped to to cuddle a girl he new he asked me first i didn't mind he took a while so i ledt on my oown to my home that wasn't my home but in my dream it was i got there my mum wasnt my mum andseened like a women with issuea i got in and there were rabbits 2 or 3 of them and there arms were massive with huge claws that swatted me many times i was on top of furniture to get away from them my friend came looking my mum told him it wasn't the house he cryed weirdly. and my mum that wasn't my mum told me how much of a tossa he was and how he just cryed there was more but its real fuzzy i was then with my other boy friend michael i wass yelling at him cause he had the wrong idea about something his justf a friend . It really got me this dream tho please heelp October 19, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
He ripped out is heart and threw it at me. I tried to force it back in but it wouldn't go. The whole time he was yelling at me. October 14, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamt about my grandmother last night. She took me shopping and she kept yelling at me for doing things wrong. Finally, she decided that she'd take me out to this Christmas cookie convention. I had several different cookies and looked at the displays. Well, until I met a boy. He was rather demonic looking, but he was nice to me. So, we head back to her place where she started cleaning the house since she was set to move out soon. I went outside where one of my close friends, Jes, was waiting for me. She said we had to go to hell to rescue someone. So, she opens a portal and we enter hell. Low and behold, I see the boy from the convention leaning up against the gates. He grins at me and says :"Hello, darling. Did you miss me?" I'm stunned. The boy was the devil! October 13, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis