Understand My Dreams

Dreams silver

I had a dream about mt grandfather who passed away 14 years ago. His Smell was present, voice and face identical to the last time that i saw him. I was by his bed side, he was i'll with cancer but happy, and relatively healthy looking. I talked with him, laughed with him and gave him a hug and kiss goodbye, and he leaned in to tell me something very important. The next thing i was at his funeral with the family. it was elegant his casket was in front of a stage with singers in the background and the room was decorated like at a wedding. It had round tables white table clothes, chairs fancy silver ware and plates and everyone was dressed elegantly instead of in mourning clothes. I walked up to see my grandfather, and it felt like all eyes were on me and him. Then i woke up.

I dreamt that i was having an argument with a gang of youths. Next thing i remember being in a large white room, i think others were in the room with me but i can't remember. I remeber these guys kept checking on me in the room but they weren't the youths i had an argument with. One of them stabbed me in the arm with a needle injection and said now you have aids too. I started fighting with this person the next thing i remember is my index finger on my left hand being sliced open and the top of my thumb on my right hand had been cut and i was trying to hold it together. I didn't cry. there was no pain. i remember seeing blood. I asked to go to hosipital to get my thumb glued back on. They took me to the gang leader who agreed it and said he would take me. He got into a silver ferrari as i went on my own to get my coat. Next thing i know my collegue arrived in a car and asked if i was ok, i cried hysterically and told her what happened. She took drove me to hospital and on the way i kept telling her to stop the car as i didn't want them to hurt her. Another collegue telephoned and asked where i was i thought they were in with the gang. I woke up holding my finger and thumb together on both hands.

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