Understand My Dreams

Dreams rust

Ima shorten it some, u weren't in it tho.. But yeah so I was at the airport with my bro picking up my fam from PR, they got to the airport.. We walking blah blah blah and they had to go to the bathroom so I sit and wait, and this black girl starts talking smack about me but she murmuring.. and she wouldn't stop so it got under my skin... So I get up like nothing and walk over to her I didn't say anything , I just start going wild dandole y restrallandola contra el piso y la pared and pulling on her weave hahahah then I got tired so I left the girl there on the floor and walk away trying to blend in with the crowd.. And airport security comes n takes me to a room n start questioning me n they was gonna put like a label on me.. N I was like wait tho idk if this changes anything but (then i told them the truth) and the guy gave me label n it said trusted terrorist .. Or something like tha

I'm at a dock, in front of me is a town and its full of people I don't know but I know that they're happy. Behind me is a factory or warehouse that I've never been in. There are people on the docks but I don't know them and I don't trust them, they don't feel right. To my left there is the ocean and a set of stairs leading down to a beach. There is a guy living in the cave on the beach and I go down to see him though I don't know if I know him all I know is that something bad is coming and its safe in his cave. As a walk down the stairs I see a ship coming towards the beach, its still a fair way off but I can feel that it's wrong, that it's dead. When I reach the bottom of the stairs the dream splits I'm turning to look at the cave and there are two versions side by side - two beaches, two caves and two 'me's. In the good version the beach is lovely and the guy is happy in his little cave but I can't go in, I speak to him for a minute and he's happy, I'm happy the world is ok. In the bad version there's blood on the beach and the guy is lying on a table in the cave, dead and mutilated. In both version I back away from the cave and the cave seals off. In the good version there's a sign or plaque next to where the cave was and the beach is still pretty. In the bad version there is a sign but its worn and ugly and the beach is now soaked in so much more blood and I'm covered in it. In both versions the ship is getting closer and it scares me. I go back to the stairs and as the beach falls out of view the versions meld back together and there's only one dream. At this point I know that it is a dream and that something bad is moments from happening. The factory opens up and trucks start driving out. They're covered in bodies wrapped in linens. The drivers don't get out and I run up to the first one and I beg them to go away, there's a town, everyone will die. The driver knows, he is government of military and he knows that he will die, that I will die and that everyone in the town will die but its his job and his sacrifice and he stays in the cab and waits to die. The people on the docks have stopped. Literally they have just stopped nothing moves and except for the ship, which is now just about at the beach, and the body on the top of the pile on the first truck - its starts moving and I start running. I run in to the factory and there is just a whole lot of shipping containers. The back wall of the factory is covered in holes which are rather large and square and pitch black. I climb on top of one of the shipping containers. The ship has reached the beach and everything outside is going to hell. Inside the factory the dead are starting to come out of the back wall, they're climbing out of the squares and on to the wall, they don't see me yet but for some reason it feels like the shipping container I'm on is tilted and I start slipping. Now they've seen me and they're coming for me and I'm slipping and I'm going to die.

I have decided last minute to travel overseas from my home (australia to ?America?) my partner is not with me at the airport, my tickets have the wrong names on them they are in this flip book thing like a cheque book and I almost miss my flight standing at the airline counter (a male staff member is helping me) I am flustered and begin flipping madly through the book and find them attached towards the middle, other people's tickets... Names I don't recognize are in the book before mine. I am now on the flight. I arrive at the hotel and for some reason my partner is in the taxi with me on the way there? We check in (hotel is very luxurious) and take an elevator to our room escorted by a man with our luggage he brings the luggage in and leaves. We are both happy discussing what we want to eat and I open my suitcase to get changed and all my clothes are dirty... There is a knock at the door and the luggage man from before comes in drops his pants (naked) and states he needs to use the toilet he goes in sits on the toilet and is discussing things in the hotel magazine with me half way through the conversation the man turns into someone else an older man with a thick accent that is hard to understand.. He gets up from the toilet and tries to leave with the magazine but I argue with him that he can't take it as it's the hotels and we will have to pay for it he tears out a few pages and leaves. I go back to my suitcase and we keep discussing food options I want to go to a fast food resturant that we don't have in Australia and I am adamant I know where it is because I have been there before (yet this place is unfimilar to me in reality?) we are now talking with a lady outside our room who is flirting with my partner because of his australian accent, I grow more and more frustrated wanting to get away from the conversation and go back into the room. I go in dragging my partner with me as he apoligizes to the woman for our rudeness and when I enter there is a random couple sitting on the couches opposite each other in our room flipping through magazines, I question their presance and ask them to leave, they do so hesitantly. After they are gone I go back to my suitcase rummaging throuhh there are only dirty clothes and I have nothing to wear this angers me and I start questioning my partner as to why all the clothes I have packed are dirty. At this point I feel something stack in my teeth and I go to pull it out and begin pulling out strand after strand of my long brown hair out of my teeth and mouth, I am getting anxious and afraid and keep asking my partner to help me saying over and over it's stuck in my teeth as I feel I am begining to choke on all the hair filling my mouth I wake up..... What the hell does all this mean? Please help....

I dreamed I was riding in the passenger side of a vehicle down hill on a rock road where I seen a white wood frame house with a pond in front that went up to the concrete driveway and wrapped around the side of the house to the back yard. I seen a lot of fish jumping around in the murky water i than noticed a medium white dog walking from a two story light red brick home across the street into the concrete driveway of the white wood framed house with the pond and there was an alligator at the driveway edge in the water floating. The white dog looked down into the water and the alligator reached out and bit into the white dog's bottom lip and pulled the dog into the water and down under the water. I ran over and looked down in the water where I could see the white dogs black lips and his black eyes were looking up at me from under the water. I looked around and found a chunk of concrete and thought to myself I hope I do not hit the dog or if I hit the alligator that it does not get angry and start to roll the dog under water. I dropped the rock and hit the alligator it released the white dog who swam up to the front of the pond at the front of the drive way I grabbed the dog out of the water and went inside of the house in a bedroom that a man and a woman was in, the man had to take a shower so the woman and I went down a hall to another room that was painted dark pink with a small window in the west side wall. i looked out the window and seen a larger alligator come walking out of the water onto the green grassy yard it looked at something up close to window turned around walked back to the pond. i noted a man who was fishing pull in his line grab his pole and things and walk pass the big alligator who was going back into the water see's the man walk close pass him and turns around after the man bites him on his blue jeans by his foot the man commands the alligator to stop and stay it obays the man the man comes into the house and tells me there is a baby alligator tangled up in clear plastic twine and he was going to go untangle the baby alligator to set it free. i told the man to take the other man from the house to watch out that the big alligator does not attack him because it was a wild animal and could not trust that it will obay the fisherman again the man said that was a good idea so the two men went outside and freed the baby alligator i than seen the baby and the big alligator and a medium alligator lined up on the green grass outside the window.

Ima shorten it some, u weren't in it tho.. But yeah so I was at the airport with my bro picking up my fam from PR, they got to the airport.. We walking blah blah blah and they had to go to the bathroom so I sit and wait, and this black girl starts talking smack about me but she murmuring.. and she wouldn't stop so it got under my skin... So I get up like nothing and walk over to her I didn't say anything , I just start going wild hitting her against the wall and the floor and pulling on her weave hahahah then I got tired so I left the girl there on the floor and walk away trying to blend in with the crowd.. And airport security comes n takes me to a room n start questioning me n they was gonna put like a label on me.. N I was like wait tho idk if this changes anything but (then i told them the truth) and the guy gave me label n it said trusted terrorist

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