Was going to a doctor and I passed a lot muslim man dressed in white and I entered a room with two old ladies sitting on a table and when I entred they were also dressed in muslim dress code and one got up and wipe the water on the floor because it was wet but I didn't sit down November 13, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
In my dream I was in my apartment that look like the mall. in my apartment me and my daughter live together, she invited her friends over, while my daughter and her friends chatting I seen a frog on the floor and bugs all over I tried to get my daughter to see what I see but she doesn't see it, she thought I was acting crazy. So she went back to her friends. When I open a door it was full of flies so I slam the door back. I told my daughter again and she didn't believe me. Her friend was getting paranoid of me and my daughter as well. So she left me in the apartment. I beg her not to leave but she did, I try to run after her but I couldn't. Reach her. By the time I turn around I was lost in the mall that are made into apartment. I tried to find my daughter into the crowd but I couldn't reach her. Then I woke up. November 05, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
My sons father and I was playing on the floor he then pinned me down and pulled out a ring and propose. October 27, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamt that I had to go back to boarding school with my husband. I felt strange being there as a grown woman. I got lost trying to find my way out of the building, going through strange doors until I came out on to the roof. There was the school janitor and other people up there, they were going to tell me how to get out when I saw a sign to the school theatre (where I had spent most of my time as a teenager) and ran off in that direction. Then I saw the roof from a birds eye perspective and saw the janitor and other people turn into a flock of pigeons and swoop down onto school kids below. One girl caught one and flung it down onto the ground. The sky went dark and all the birds were dead on the floor, with blood and feathers everywhere. October 20, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
Basically as soon as i closed my eyes i could see people, just hundreds of random people which I've obviously seen at some point and my mind just brought up all their faces. Then it turned into a night out with my friends, sister and her ex. I was super drunk and couldn't control me, i kept falling over randomly, and these girls got me kicked out for touching their asses (i didn't though). so i get thrown out by the bouncer and run for it and i end up getting tackled and cracking my head on the pavement. Then a load of random skater dudes came and they were mental, had razor blades and were fighting me and my friends. I push one of a roof, then i turn and my friend is carving a cross into his face with this razor blade. So we all run across these train tracks and i nearly get hit but don't. We make it to the hotel and I'm dying to go inside our room but they don't want to so stay outside. This random guy asks me for £10 to use the ATM so i give him 2 spoons and a flip knife for some reason then run to the room. Then I'm in the hotel with my sister and everywhere goes silent apart from a ringing in my ears, this guy pulls me to the floor because theres a bomb about to go off, i try to go get my sister but he pulls me to the floor. This bomb goes off, cracks all the windows, cars roll through the windows too, My sisters lying on the floor. As soon as i go to her she gets up and runs away and i think thats when i wake up. November 11, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
My best male friend from high school decided to come up and give me a surprise visit. I walked him into the tiny apartment I am currently staying in, and we moved things around and sat on the floor and talked. We were teasing each other a bit, but I said something that really got to him. And a few seconds later I was pinned to the floor being tickled and we were both laughing like crazy. Once we had stopped to catch our breath, we both noticed our positions. I was slightly underneath of him, and we were very close to each other. I said his name softly, and gently caressed his face. Then we kissed. The kiss turned very passionate, and soon he was holding onto me and I him. In the back of dream me's mind, I knew we could not take this very far. But I also knew it felt amazing to be held in this way, touched and kissed in this manner. However, when he decided to put his hand up my shirt, that was when I snapped out of it and was able to stop. I have unnaturally cold hands, so in return for his slight fondling I put my hands under his shirt and that woke him up real fast. We looked into each others eyes, separated a bit, then talked until my dream ended about various things. November 01, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
Frog and a snake at the foot of my bed and a snake on the floor beside my bed October 28, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
My kids dad and I was playing on the floor he then pinned me down pulled out a ring. October 27, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I was in a warehouse, inside were a large conglomeration of people milling about doing various things, standing in conversations, etc. On the floor were various puddles and messes left behind by dogs, IE: poop, & puke, while in the dream I was convinced the puddles were all poop and was grossed out, and concerned that I might accidently step in it, so as I stood there contemplating how to clean up the mess suddenly Kathy Creighton came up to me, and took me in an embrace and started dancing with me, sort of a waltzy thing, hands clasped in the air, one around the waist, and she pulled close to me as we danced. I became uncomfortable and looked at her asking her what she was doing and if she thought this was such a good idea, and she looked close at me and said "Just listen to me!" and then continued to dance. Then, we danced over to an area in the warehouse where there was an office build-up, and in the doorway was a group of people, one of them, sitting in a chair or on the floor (?) was Aaron, Kathy's husband, he looked pissed, and his hair was all cut off, like he'd been shaved but there was a stubble, I was very concerned and released Kathy from our embrace and handed her back to Aaron, I think I said "Thanks Aaron..." and he looked up at me with a very distainful look. I went back into the warehouse area where all the messes were, and where Kathy & I were dancing, and noticed that there were sheets of paper towels over the mess-piles, like someone noticed and just tried to cover them up so no one would step into them. I began picking up the towels, grasping the gook in attempt to clean up and in the process got some of the feces on the inside of my lips, UGH! I became freaked out and started looking for a bathroom or sink so I could rinse off my mouth, I walked through another series of doors on the office build-up, I guess it was a bathroom (?) Saw a toilet, and a toilet paper roller, I don't think it had TP on it, there was a plastic bar on it connected to the two posts where the roll attached, and when I moved it there was a light blue light behind it, and it was warm to the touch. In process of trying to find a way to clean myself I lost focus and ended up on the back side of the office build-up back in the warehouse, where there was a refrigerator that had a package of frozen vegitables laying on the top, noticing them I touched the bag to feel if it was room tempreture, it was very cold still so I picked them up and opened the fridge, I looked in and could see the back of the fridge had a window on it to where you could see the back side, I figured that anyone could have made the mistake of setting these vegies on the top of the fridge because the view to the top was very much like the view to the inside (?). October 24, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis