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Explore a collection of the latest dreams shared by our community. Discover common themes, intriguing narratives, and unique symbolism. From vivid adventures to thought-provoking scenarios, these recent dreams offer a glimpse into the subconscious mind and may even spark insights into your own dream world. Browse the "Latest Dreams" to find inspiration, connect with others, and delve deeper into the fascinating realm of dreams.

We were at school preparing for the cross country and for some reason there were two teams of students. I was on one with my friend Clare and on the other team were some different friends too. But it was also a race to the cross country place by bicycle for the teams. And there were these weird things with a carriage that had to be pushed or pulled bye some one on the bike. Anyway i was on the bike pushing the carriage and starting to exit high school. I could feel my self falling from the bike because i was holding the carriage with one hand and it was pulling me off of the bike. I somehow managed to not be pulled off of my bike and ended up in front of the carriage. I had sped out the gates and some boys yelled something but i couldn't here what it was. Then i used the breaks. They weren't the best and i stopped and looked around. Clare came up behind me and told me there had been an accident. I rode back a bit then dumped the bike and went to see what was going on. I saw a boy from my year called Jedha M. He was doing this weird stressing out thing. Constantly moving his hat and shaking one leg up and down kinda. His eyes looked like they were tearing up and i didn't know why. I went and talked to him and i found out that Jedha's twin brother had been the one in the accident and had gotten hurt. I then saw Scotty, a teachers aid, put his gloved hand into a puddle of water and when he drew his hand out it hand out it was covered in blood.I then saw Jasper, (the twin from the accident) sitting on a concrete slab with cuts on his face and blood around. Scotty was on one knee in front of him with a scalpel and was digging the cuts with it. Obviously trying to get dirt and infections out. I asked Jedha if they had any gauzes yet and he said no, then i asked him if he wanted to get them. He said yes and we went past Jasper and i asked if he was alright before going to get some gauzes for the wound. We were just heading under a passage way towards the office when Scotty appeared and he was carrying gauzes. His eyes were watering so i asked if he wanted me and Jedha to take them. He nodded and past over the gauzes,scissors and some sort of healing ointment i think. He then walked away with watering eyes. Jedha and I were heading back to where Jasper was when my friend Leon appeared and he looked so sad then when i asked what had happened he told me he thought i hated him because i didn't...... I don't remember what happened next anymore but its not the first time I've had a dream where Jasper and Jedha were in it. Oh and did i mention that it was raining and the school was starting to flood the entire time in this dream?.

I dreamt I went to church. Catholic church for a serman. Church was full with people praying. I was there with my mother. I went for communion and then came back to kneel and pray. My prayer felt like I was just mumbling words. No feeling. Then I dreamt I was going on a trip. An area like the gold rush times, not very developed, but with lots of potential for development. In my dream I was owning this huge piece of land development. Then I dreamt I was going on a vacation. To a water fall. I knew what the place looked like. I was there with a female friend. Romantically involved with her. We were together in a hotel room white sheets, white curtains, natural light, it was morning. Then my friend and I start making out and started having sex. I woke up.

Well i was in someone else s body when my dream first started i don't know who i was i just know i was looking at myself and i was yelling at whoever i was then i said something and then i watched me as myself beat the living shit out of me and i was begging to stop but my fist kept slamming against my face and then there was blood all over my face and my hair was wet then i remember going back into my body looking up for a second before a fist came slamming down into my face and knocking me out i woke up and saw my bloody self on the ground but from several angles i started to cough and spit up blood i slowly stood up and i splashed water on my face i look up and i saw something in the back ground it looked like me but pure sick smile twirling a blade in his hands and he said something to me but i couldn't hear next thing i know im in his body again and he stabbed me and i could not only see the smile but i could feel the smile i woke up again i had stitches in my body then i woke up inside my dream i was on my bed surrounded by water the sound of distant dripping was coming closer and i saw something like a ghost and it vanished almost as near as i saw it then i heard voices.then i woke up again i was the evil guy again and he was smashing his fist into a mirror like he was trying to get something out of it or maybe he just hated the site of himself he kept punching until the blood gushed out of his hand then he smiled and turned around to see something he smiled i saw he started to laugh a sick creepy laugh and whispered with a metallic voice come get me i could feel his smile quirk up again as he kicked the door down but it wasn't the kitchen instead a dark room with water in it which turned to blood and a person on a bed screaming with chains on his arms and legs he whispered again i got you now then everything turned white and i was alone in this bright white room just sitting there i was wearing a white shirt and pants and shoes my hair was black i could see my eyes had turned green i was just starring forward and then i woke up :/

My sister and I were walking through the mall and went into a store to look around. We seemed to be looking for someone. Then were in a different part of the mall working as detectives, with our mother, to find a criminal. We walked into a room filled with couches and massage chairs that looked like it was also a bookstore. The was a large women suspect walked in behind us and was wearing green. we walked around sneakily watching her and We saw her give someone a massage and try to gain information about them. Then she left and we ran into another male suspect.Then I was alone and I was on a bus with my friend but it looked like how my other friend really looks like. We were on a huge coach bus that took us to an enviornmental amusement park. When we got there I had to hide my belongings and money from the male teacher because he was suspicious and possibly a suspect also. We walked around in the sun and I was too hot in my long sleeve shirt so I wanted to take it off but my friend told me not to, so I didn't. I wanted to buy a new short sleeve shirt but wasn't sure if i had enough money.

I had a weird dream last night. I was at Nana's house at night and you were asleep in the back bedroom. I was puttering about for some reason and happened to look out the window to see a bunch of strange looking people in black clothes of varying styles and types walking slowly towards the house. It was creepy. Like zombies or cult members. I went back to the bedroom and closed the door quietly so I didn't wake you up. Then, Kelly busts in! It's really odd, because she has your haircut and I try to say something stupid like "hey! twinsies!". She just pushes aside and mumbles something about wanting to talk to you. I leave and the creepy goth cultists are in the house and doing random domestic things like folding laundry and dusting and shit. I go into the bathroom and ask a particularly ugly lady (it looked like she got hit flat on the face with a frying pan) in a sparkly black top with see-though frilly neck whatevers what they are doing. She replies "Helping you, of course". The skinny guy behind her turns on a big pink hair drier and I wake up, confused and thirsty.

I was shopping with a friend when we stopped at a food stand on the side of the road. I went in what from the outside looked like a feed house. When I walked in it was a three story house. The top floor which I came in had holes and you could see the other floors. I went down stairs to find three babies sweating from the summer heat and no ac. They were on a bed and were rolling off. I kept picking them up and putting them back on the bed. Finally one of the ladies who runs the stand came in and turned on another light. I told her it was too hot for the babies and they were rolling off the bed. I told her to turn the light off of them. She explained the light was from some ladies and they wouldn't like it if we took it down. The babies finally went back to sleep .

I dreamt i went to church catholic church for a serman church was full with people praying i was there with my mother i went for communion and then went to kneel and pray my prayer felt like i was just mumbling words no feeling then i dreamt i was going on a trip an area like the gold rush times not very developed but with lots of potential for development in my dream i was owning this huge piece of land development then i dreamt i was going on a vacation to a water fall i knew what the place looked like i was there with a female friend romantically involved with her we were together in a hotel room white sheets white curtains natural light it was morning then my friend and i start making out and started having ***** i woke up

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