Lots of demons and bad people outside. I was in my childhood home, looking outside at them all. Two bad men came in with guns and fired them but none of the bullets hit me. I was protecting my daughter. Each time a bad entity left my home another would come in. There was a man in a grey trench coat and undertaker hat who I could see a shadow of his face but he would not look at me. Two female entities came into the house....one would touch me with a wand and say everything would be okay and that I needed to come with them....I didn't want to as I was leaving behind my daughter. May 14, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
I had THE BEST SEX EVER in a dream with a gorgeous guy from Germany! And when I was on the verge of an orgasm the guy in my dream DRANK MY BLOOD! what a sure fire way to kill the mood May 10, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
I'm in the town where I grew up, with my deceased sister and deceased uncle, who molested the both of us. we are in a building where I once worked in that small town. There is a large fire on the mountain, we are evacuating, I am carrying a large glass 1/2 full container of orange juice and take it to the car. My uncle is already in the car, that of which I currently drive now. My sister is still somewhere in the building. The fire is so close I can almost feel it, I'm yelling for my sister to hurry, we have to get our grandmother , who is also deceased, who I was never close with. I can see her running with a sleeping bag in her arms. suddenly the flames from the fire engulf her. The flames over take us. I wake up. My heart is beating fast, my body is in a sweat, there are tears streaming down my face. Even as I type this . I haven't been able to go back to sleep . April 16, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
Me and this guy had to get these bad guys and we got one and kept shooting his face then he died, later a fire started on a table and i kept taking dirty cups from a sink and put water in it and threw it at the fire, but it wouldn't go out. Then a second later i ended up in my house and it was on fire. My mom and I got out and we watched the house blow up in flames. I started yelling my 3 brothers names and finally they all got out. But the way they got out was weird because they walked through fire and just had black dust on them. But they we all fine and alive. April 08, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
I was put in a game and I had to go around to different worlds in it. I went to tis one part where I was in a wedding and I had to stop a imposter ring bearer from killing the real ring bearer. I went up behind the imposter but everytime I tried to pull him back he would just keep walking. He got right behind the real boy and punched him up side the face. He fell on the ground and everyone in the wedding disappeared. Then I went to the future and everyone was in a back hallway because there was a bomb dropping. I quickly ran to the past. I landed in this swamp and these four other people were swimming to get to this shack. I followed, since I wanted to get out of the swamp. When I got there the four were sitting in a room with a old, film rolling movie on. The projectionist went over to me and asked if I did gymnastics. I said yes. Then he said, then i have the job for you. He said roll the movie, and then he just ran away. I was sitting there for awhile but I guess I fell asleep at the movie because I started having Disney dreams. Minnie was cheating on Mickey with Pluto, Tinkerbell was with jimmy the cricket, and Goofy and Peter Pan were shooting off fireworks. Then Peter Pan came up to me and said, do you do gymnastics? and I said, yes. Then he said, Well I have the job for you. Then I woke up from the Disney dream and I was at the wedding again. Everyone was running around, screaming. I didn’t know what was going on but I ran with them, away from whatever was happening. May 02, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
I'm sitting in current partners house. A man calls me I switch off phone. The door opens and boyfriend walks in and starts. I run out house I turn round and violent ex kids dad pours me with petrol. I run he chases me throwing paper which is on fire. I go to my aunts house round the corner who dousnt usually live there and she says I'm on Internet where man on phone has put horrible things about me April 28, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
I was in class with my friend and all my family came to town and we went to eat and went somewhere together and where we drove to was dangerous they were throwing fire as we were leaving we stopped at a restroom and a dyke lady was amazed by us we took pictures i took one on my phone to show everybody the crazy lady later and then while we were in a waiting room i had a fight with some big girl and i layed on a anonomous person lap ( i cant remember their face) and it got sexually intimate April 25, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreampt the sky had turned to fire and the fire rained down from the heavens April 05, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis