I had a really bad dream last night. I was shopping for my birthday out fit at a store with my bestfriend. They didn't have the outfit I wanted so I had to order off line. My friend stayed back as I went to order the outfit with the store clerk. Once we get to the computer this random guy comes out of nowhere and shots everyone including me, he shoot me more then once trying to kill me but yet I survived. He killed himself after he was done killing everyone. Does this dream mean everything?
I am giving birth of twins
Dream meaning of my sister giving birth of anew baby girl
Pregnant and about to give birth
Giving birth to twins and then another set of twins
I dreamed that I was at a house with some people from church. One lady was pregnant and started to go into labor. So I dialed 911 and began to talk to the operator. She told me to check to see if she had sensimilla that would affect the child. Then she gave birth
I found out I was pregnant and was told that it was going to be a girl. When I actually gave birth the baby was a boy and my husband wanted to name him Tanner.
I dreamt that a horse gave birth
Cow or cattle giving birth to calf then the calf dies
My adoptive mother who had passed away a couple of months ago was cooking rice an beans in a pot looked at me and started to say I left everything ready for u but my adoptive mofher looked like she was talking to my birth mother