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Dreams sale

Found 227 dreams containing sale - Page 23

Explore a collection of the latest dreams shared by our community. Discover common themes, intriguing narratives, and unique symbolism. From vivid adventures to thought-provoking scenarios, these recent dreams offer a glimpse into the subconscious mind and may even spark insights into your own dream world. Browse the "Latest Dreams" to find inspiration, connect with others, and delve deeper into the fascinating realm of dreams.

I am in the compound of my school's hostel and the night draws fast. a friends asks me to help him sneek in the boarding which i do. two of my colleagues in the compund are setting up tents for the night in preparation for the journey tomorrow as we are escorting and guarding a pretty maiden to her destination. i black out at the boarding and awake in seconds and its already morning. i catch up with my colleagues in the desert but now the atmosphere is thickly dark with shadows and there are a couple of desert men whom we assume to be against us in a distance, my friends each attempt a shot at killing the two with their bow and arrow but the both miss owing to the dark environment and great distance. i urge of them to keep low as we conceal ourselves at the top of a sand dune. we are in commmando uniform in a forest-like village with lots of large shrubs and we are deployed to go and kill the rebels present in the area, we disperse however i somehow get left behind but i note that i have a walkie-talkie. i hurry on and scurry up the sugar-cane grown hills where i am able survey the entire valley. i spot a few scattered rebels and deal with them. running down hill i find i small display of shirts of yellow, green and orange colours like as though they were for sale. it begins to rain rapidly and heavily with a dark sky. i quickly nab in attempt to camouflage myself in the landscape and quickly head into the plantation where i find a couple of my friends who are girls singing one of my favorite songs, i pause before them and they utter out a name of a girl whom they assume am hooked up with. i repeat the name twice in sarcastic denial and enter into small shed created using leaves, i find a certain girl that i admired and begin to slowly caress her as she submissively expresses herself in slow motion and contentment...

All of a sudden am in a room with people and am in the front row, I can hear whispering and tapping behind me. It seems like am taking a test, I try to get up but I feel like am dizzy almost intoxicated and I can't stand up and walk correctly. As I try to move I feel like am being pulled by an unseen force then all of a sudden am looking down at my body and am talking to myself then am in another room and am falling asleep in my dream and my boss tries to wake me up. Then am running to a building where there are beds and I see a salesman who I ask if he can help me, he leaves and am running once again. I end up catching up with some people and we sit in a circle then one of the girls tries to flirt with me and I told her nicely to behave she was drunk. Few moments later she got sick and everyone left her so I stayed and helped her clean up outside. The girl seemed to turn into a little girl before my eyes, I asked her how old she was and she said 29 I told her not to lie to me then she said 18 but by the time she was all cleaned up she had aged to maybe 8 or 10 years. I felt that I had to protect her so we got in the car and I woke up

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