Understand My Dreams

Dreams real life

I was living in a poor town on a mountainous terrain, so one day i flew away from my parents and my home. i then found this house (which is my real life house), but after a few days my entire road was fenced of and guarded by soldiers and tanks. I then discovered some portal using maths to take me to another place that was consisted of just floating islands with water flowing down into nothing, but there were bridges in between each island. I stayed there to escape and to be free, but after a while what i could see in the other world was fading so when i came back i tried everything to keep going back and sometimes it worked and other it didn't

In my dream my 15 year old nephew was murdered. My nephew then came to me as a spirit in my dream (very calm), walking next to me in a drain ditch. He was telling me how he was murdered and where I could find his body and his murderers. I then was in a huge, older house standing with my sister (my nephews mother who is deceased in real life) and my mother, both whom are standing to my left side and I cannot see their faces. We are facing a large, white woman who had helped murder my nephew, and behind me was a large black man who had also helped murder my nephew.

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