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Dreams parking lot

Found 263 dreams containing parking lot - Page 23

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My crush and I were standing by my dads truck in a Kroger parking lot just talking when he said something really funny. We laughed so hard and then our eyes met and he kissed me. We kissed for a few minutes and then looked at each other and then my friend walked up and talked to me so my crush walked away then stopped and I could see his face. He smiled and kept walking. My friend asked what happened and I told her we kissed then she went aww and my dream ended.

My Aunt that had passed away and then she was in my dream. In my dream i was leaving were i live to a family trip. It was the crack of dawn and i notice my aunt's spirit floating in the parking lot in peacful way. The all of a sudden my sister comes out of the apartment and the enviorment turns dark and angrey. My aunt charges towards my sister and then i push her in the car and cover her face. My dad, sister and I drive off and her imaage of her face was evil.

I'm in the grocery store parking lot when a semi truck backs into the store's glass door and gets the truck's door stuck with the grocery store's door. No one can get in or out until I insist they take the store door off the hinges. Both doors are glass. While I'm in the parking lot, I see the wife of a man I know who lives in another state. This man and I are in love with one another. The wife doesn't know me and I over hear her talking about going to a specific named lake near where I live. The door situation is fixed and I am inside the store avoiding being seen by this man while I am shopping when suddenly he grabs me from behind and spins me around and starts kissing me.

I am driving down the road with my middle and youngest son the brakes fail on the car we start spinning past building just missing a blue dumpster in a parking lot we end up spinning and hitting a guard rail in a dead end my youngest son is ejected from the car and the car sinks in the water me and my middle son swim to the side my youngest son is injured but not bad we start walking through a trail park that is pitch black cars drive by but no one helps us we keep walking and then we see light from a house there are two older ladys asking if we need help

I am driving down the road with my middle and youngest son the brakes fail on the car we start spinning past building just missing a blue dumpster in a parking lot we end up spinning and hitting a guard rail in a dead end my youngest son is thrown from the car and the car lands in a pond me and my middle son swim to the side my youngest son is injured but not bad we start walking through a trail park that is pitch black cars drive by but no one helps us we keep walking and then we see light from a house there are two older ladys asking if we need help

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