I had a dream a guy I know was pregnant
Me and this girl I know we're cuddling. We fall asleep, but than I wake up. I try waking her up but she won't move or wake up. I jerked awake really fast.
I dreamed that someone I know but couldn't make out their face killed someone and forced me to help them hide the body. I felt scared and nervous.
Someone that I know was near dearh
I was on a plane with my buddy toucan, but toucan looked like my other friend Michelle, and we were gonna fly to delaware bc toucan had some family reunion or something going on, and i was along for the ride. I was supposed to fly to delaware with her and then call my mom n dad. We were flying, when we openednoir laptops and started chatting over skype?? We plugged our laptops into these power outlets on the plane. Some people were yelling at us for being too loud?? We then land back in Pennsylvania, in a random street bc its too stormy to fly suddenly. Our piolet, who looks like my bus driver, nearly hits this kid dinah i know. We all get out of the plane. I run across the street to this nearby hotel / apartment complex. I tell the clerk about our situation, and ask for rooms. He frowns and tells me there is no rooms open, and hes sorry. I run back outside and tell everyone else there isn't anymore rooms for us to dtay in before i wake up.
I dream about a man I know recurringly in a loving way
I know when someone is dying. I saw a man who I know but can't ask him why I see him in my dream and next day someone is dead. What is happening?
I was in the sea about waist deep in the caribbean when a huge black storm cloud appeared then a tornado warning and I told a young black family to come with me and run for shelter. We saw the tornado and took cover behind an l shaped brick wall in a garden and I covered one of the children. All of a sudden the tornado was gone and a family I know came out of the house who's garden we were in
Someone I know was holding me down
I dreamt of my first boyfriend who has been dead for 20 years. i was out with friends and then he was there..we talked about everything-life, his kids, my kids . the next thing he was playing pool and asked me if i wanted to come with him so we could go on a date. i left to go out with friends and when i returned they told me he had just left and walked home. Then they said that i know? What do i know? Because i talked to him, did i know something?