Understand My Dreams

Dreams he asked me

This guy i see at my friend came up to me and my mom at this party and he said hi to my and asked to talk to me and my mom tried to stop me but i told her it was okay and i got up and we walked in the back bedroom of my camp. he asked me if i liked him. i asked how. he hesitated for a second and then send as a friend. i said yes that i like him as a friend. we were goofing around laughing and he grabbed my waist and pulled me to the ground and we were laying next to each other laughing then all of a sudden he was laying on top of me with his hand on by my head and i put one arm around his neck then his face got closer to mine the i put my other arm around his neck and his face was only two to three inches fro my face and we almost kissed when some random guy came walking in.

It was the day before my wedding but I was switching between being me and being my cousin Ryan. My aunt Teresa (who my family doesn’t talk to in real life) and my mother were there but they were preparing for another event for my other aunt, Allyn, as well as my wedding. We were trying to put together my wedding in less than 24 hours and my mother was wearing what she thought should be my wedding dress (she was a lot skinnier than she normally is). The dress was short with a heart shaped, white top and below the breast line it poofed out into one of skirts and ruffled just at the end. The bottom of it, below the breast line, was black. I was really mad that she expected that to be my wedding dress. I even cried. No one was taking anything about my wedding seriously. The room it was supposed to be in was a giant library with lilac walls and it already had some white decorations on the ceiling and scattered chairs. I was mad it still looked like a library so I tried to push the book cases together to form a wall behind where the alter area was supposed to be, but when my family tried to help me they just messed up the book cases sending them in all kinds of directions and knocking them over. Suddenly I was racing down a hallway and I got in a boat with my mom and my Aunts and I was crying as we headed over to watch a movie thing for Allyn’s event (I can’t remember what it was, I think a family reunion of some sort). I yelled at my aunts that we had less than a day and nothing was done. The movie was on the boat. Mid movie I looked at the clock and it said 6:38 PM and I freaked out again because it was so late and somehow left the boat. I was back at the book cases when there was an explosion and I was hidden behind them. I could hear people screaming and I could see a man in huge, weird, alien-like body armor and mask walking over the toppled book cases in the fire. I was under the book cases. The building had been ripped open and the lilac walls were gone revealing apartments outside that were ablaze. There were things everywhere shooting people I didn’t know. I struggled to get up from beneath the bookcases and the man walking over them found me. He asked why he should let me live and I told him I would behave and I would help. Apparently he was keeping a few people alive for this reason and I could see some shooting the civilians near the burning buildings. He let me go and I asked him to please spare my family out near where the boat was or at least not light that area on fire. He asked me how he could possibly have fun without shooting off some AK47s and I told them he could think of something. Then I ran off. There was a train track separating this area of the city from the other now and I was going to it. Suddenly I was my cousin Ryan and I was sneaking along the back of the burning apartment buildings trying not to be seen. The place was very dark and deserted despite the flames but I knew I would be in trouble if I were caught. I saw the trains going by now. Some carts were very low and some were very tall but they were covered in blood and hands were sticking out of them of children/young adults trying to escape. They were being taken away and I didn’t know where to, but then I spotted me (my real self) laying on a low lying cart with only two levels. I (as Ryan) jumped on as it passed (it wasn’t going that fast at the time) and I was hanging on beneath the level where the people were. The levels were just made of a few planks of wood stretching vertically from one end of the car to the other. There was no roof on this car. I was laying on the bottom now in a small area below the level where the people were and I looked up and Jess(me) was staring down at me between the planks with a sooty face and longer hair then I remembered and tattered clothes. We didn’t say a word but she knew I was trying to get her out of there. There were two men patrolling the cars. They would walk along and then lay down and look below to see if any children were trying to slip to my level and escape the train. They didn’t see me. Right when I woke up I could see the cars from the side again with blood all over them and flames in the background still and I was picturing the wedding dress I had hated.

I dream that I was hanging out with friends.We were discussin how hard it is to be a mother that we sometimes forget that we have a child. We also talked about how the father of our kids were mad that we didnt getting them a fathers day gift. Then i later met up with my mom and it was raining real bad and she asked me about my baby and where was she. I did not know where my baby was. We finally went into a house where it was a little party going on. Then i finally found my baby in the house sleep. My friends mother had been keeping the baby for me. I went to go pick the baby up because in the dream i realized I missed her so much. The baby started too wake up and fuss but i calmed her down by rocking her too sleep. As i was holding her she became a toddler and could kind of talk.I then seen pictures of her in India

I had a sincere dream about my drug addiction. It started with moving out of Drew, going through all of the halls and seeing no decorations whatsoever. At some point I got wrapped up with Aubrie and did something with her involving JuJu. I remember I kept bugging Adam because it was his birthday and I was so happy and he was too but he wanted to sleep, but I kept trying to wake him up and convince him to smoke pot. He said he would but I didn’t wait for him. Instead I began my journey to the dug-outs to smoke, except I went at the same time Tim did. He went with a purpose and I got so ridiculously high in the dream I couldn’t even take a second hit of my one hitter, I passed it to Alex and Josh who decided to smoke with me. I remember telling Aubrie I would smoke her up too but I decided not to. I walked back and he walked back with me and I was just like running into him, I couldn’t even walk and I spiraled twice, I told him I was so high and he asked me if I remembered what I said about getting high before, like it was going on an adventure, and I told him I remembered. And he explained that the smoking he was just around really didn’t seem like an adventure. I told him that I’m probably a drug addict but that I want to change. We sat outside in this lounge-fused with the parking lot for awhile, watching something or maybe talking. Austin joined us. At this point Tim and I were extremely flirty. But nothing would happen. I remember walking away, saying I’d be back in like five minutes and I went into this weird dorm/classroom combo building to my dorm, and I tried to pack but it took me forever, and I got relatively naked and put on white heels. I walked past Devyn on these exceedingly long stairs and we brought up our memories about how we weren’t really friends and it was an effort to even touch each other in huggy group pictures. It was calm but inwardly hostile. I left the building and the scene was still pretty calm but then I walked out and I saw Tim just bludgeoning this guy, he told me that he was dead anyway and shit had hit the fan, about this couch tipping over or something…the scene got really frantic, cops everywhere, a lot more violence, and I had to balance this couch on my shoulders but I kept hurting other people with it. At the dead of night it was finally over, Austin and Tim left for a few minutes and I sat there but it felt like a lifetime. I just wanted him to come back so I could tell him how I felt so it could be perfect… then the people in these couch wars started threatening my email in French. I woke up

I had a dream that I met my boyfriend at a house and when I got there his children that I had never met were there. He asked me if the youngest one could stay with me because he had to take the other one home. While he was gone the little girl told me that her dad was planning a trip and that they wanted me to come along. I was hesitant and told the child I didn't know if I would go. Then she said you have to go because my dad said you are going to be our step mom.

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