Understand My Dreams

Dreams front

I am a man in a room with 2 woman I don't know. The one woman goes crazy and pulls out a gun and shoots and kills the other woman. I hide in the closet and then manage to escape. I end up outside. I then open the front door and go straight to the refrigerator. I take out food. I then walk outside and see a woman and her child. I tell them to get out of there a woman has been killed upstairs. They act as if its normal. I go next door to the neighbor who is an old woman.

Was picking up Qjr from school and was walking through a hallway full of little kids, me myself wearing a bookbag because I must’ve left a college class or something. Some arab looking grown-up guy with big almond shaped eyes who appeared to be picking up a child from school too (since he was walking through the hall with a kid) gave me a weird look as he walked by. Another grown-up walking down the hall gave me a weird look as well, assuming because I was a grown man walking through an elementary school wearing a bookbag. Anyway, I went inside a bathroom down the hall to the right and saw Qjr with his bookbag on and wearing a striped shirt, trying to fight his way for a position in front of a stall to pee amongst other jit boys. He stepped in front of this white kid and peed and somehow, he got trickles of pee on his arm, probably from another kid who couldn’t pee straight. I got mad and rushed to clean him up. Woke up.

I heard my son, who had not spoke to me or seen me in six months, he was at the front door with his daughter and his girlfriend whom i have never met i open the door for them hearing him say i probably wont open the door for him when i peeked out the window and seen it was him i was very happy and surprise when i let him in i went to give him a hug but he walked away from me he kept his head cocked so he wouldnt look at me at the same time he was walking around like everything was okay i was trying to get his attention and his daughter was saying hello to me but i was trying to see what was wrong with my son

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