Understand My Dreams

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There was a bunch of people threatening to kill me, my parents told me to come to them where I would be safe. They took me to some apartment building, took me inside then mom started stabbing me with little bullet shaped things with needles at the end, and dad came out with a long steel pole with an arrow on the end and stabbed me through the stomach,I started to cry and asked them if this was how I was gonna die and mom said no, they are still going to come for you. Then I was someplace helping this older guy have a shower, I felt really close to this guy, anyways a bunch of people with guns lined up against the wall and started shooting, I pushed the man down in the tub so he would be safe, I managed to stay safe as well, but when they were leaving they told me that this isnt the end, we will be back. And when I woke up this morning I still felt the pain in my stomach where I had been stabbed in my dream

Wanting to be alone I go to this festival where I eat and drink. later people i knew from far past and brother and sister in law is there but i don't want to socialize. I try to leave and partner follows me in car. I take right turn and she turns left. I end up going down this rough narrow bridge and come to a stop because bridge gets to narrow. the truck turns into tractor. I get off and realize that my partner is in trouble and the car has fallen off the peer. I run to save her but she is already out the car on top of it trying to save the stuff that was in it. out of no where my daughter shows up and tries to help.

I was lying on the grass in a long narrow garden with tall bushes on each side, suddenly the bush started shaking and I remember thinking I'm about to be attacked, but I couldn't get up from the floor. Then a fox with bright red eyes came through the buses and ran straight for me trying to bite me. It went for my head first, I brushed it away then it came for my legs and I kicked it, as I kicked I woke up suddenly having kicked the side of my bed, which hurt.!! :-@.

I'm always in hotels. Usually they're very very tall and hallways always seem to be kind of narrow. And on top of these very tall buildings are always pools. The pools are usually like the ocean very dark blue And wavey they also tend to be very vast. A lot of times this pool is accompanied by a super high diving board. I mean super high like 100 feet above the pool. I always end up swimming in it, I seem to remember swimming under the water and looking up.

It started with me and my mum being in some basement with a glass roof and we could hear a tiger panting first. and then we saw him walking around from underneath his big paws against the glass just above us. and then i was outside trying to get away. there were lots of hills and grass and really far in the distance i could see a lion lying in the grass. i was walking around the corner really fast but i could see the lion getting up really slowly and starting to follow me. its like he knew there was no escape for me. he just followed me and i got to these houses but they all had barbed wire around them, so i couldn't get in. the path in between the houses got narrower and narrower. in the end i tried to climb under the barbed wire, but the lion got me anyways, and then i woke up

A tall thin man with long black hair and a long beard dressed in skin tight velvets red and green and long stockings like in the elizabethan period holding a long bow was walking along the edge of my property trying to call out animals to shoot i saw him from my bedroom window and shouted at him 'no hunting ' he started skipping and jumping along the edge of the bush and ducked into tree cover i ran down the field and into the bush after him where i caught up with him and two men one dressed as the lion from the wizard of oz and one dressed up as a bear we all continued on our way through the bush chasing bouncing jumping deer and yaks and saw little sprites or elves (fairies) running along watching us suddenly i was back in my home which i recently moved out of because my abusive husband and i separated and he still lives there his name is john i was trying to explain to him what happened and he accused me of sleeping with the man with the long bow (bow and arrows) then i woke up

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