In my dream me and all my cousins from my dad’s side slept over on air mattresses behind the back wall of my church. Then I somehow suffered a severe head trauma and was extremely sensitive to light. I spent a lot of time on a white blanket in the garage, with family members coming to visit me. Then for some reason the play was in my house and all the seniors had pre-senior warm ups in my guest room with all the lights off. December 02, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
We were in a space, a hallway, it was white, parts of the floor had turquoise tiles... I don't know exactly why we were there, but you were standing by the corner, I approached you from behind. When you turned around your eyes were filled with tears. You put your back against the wall, slid down to the floor. My eyes swelled with tears, we didn't say anything at the time but I picked you up, sat in a chair and we held each other. I tried consoling you but I could barely hold back my own tears. Eventually we left whatever place that was and we got on the train. You rested your head on my shoulder, then looked into my eyes. You said " I'm sorry" then I said " No, I'm sorry, I should've gotten there faster" the I woke up.... I don't know what it means but it's been on my mind all day. January 21, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
I'm walking along a old indoor market following someone walking down steps with shelfs in the wall with books going down stairs January 13, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
Came home, door of the house is wide open, keys in the lock. through out the house I find 2 items, one is open plastic container next to it a wallet, everything I find is 2 items in the house. parents are not home and am panicking what could be wrong. January 08, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
I wake up at night and my bed is filled with cockroaches. these cockroaches are climbing on my parents who were beside me on the same bed but not on me. they are separating me from my parents and i can't find any wall December 02, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
I dream that I ran into a into a steel wall when I got out the car to look at the car nothing was wrong with the car but the car had 3 flat tires and then I seen a person that I knew and I thought he was going to help me but he didn't so I went looking for help and then I woke up December 27, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
A black demon was in front of a black wall and told me to wake up and look in the mirror December 17, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis