I dreamt my boyfriend was sitting down gagging. When I walked into my bathroom and my room I saw that he had thrown up everywhere and there were beer cans and marijuana pipes all over the floor.
Sitting in a cold cafe. I remember I could not warm my hands even holding a hot cup in them
Us sitting in a cold café. I remember I could not warm my hands even holding a hot cup in them
I dreamt I was sitting in the same helicopter as my former biology teacher whose in the USA currently taking medicine and he was congratulating me on something and the helicopter was flying
I was seated close to the president of my country in an open field amidst large crowds and suddenly the main opposition leader walked in with his wife so i moved from where i was sitting to give them space in the front row. The wife of the opposition was then asked to prepare the red carpet and as she was doing that i woke up
I dreamed of a Asian woman attracted to me. She was wearing a white fitted dress and wanted to have drinks with me. We were in a luxurious house. She came to me wanting me to sit down on a couch. I asked to use the bathroom. As I was sitting on the toilet she came into the bathroom and begin to feel up my leg. I then woke up.
Was sitting somewhere my ex was there and another guy, my ex was upset because he thought i was staying w another ex and he thought i had some paperwork or something. then the dream was i was explaining to my sis that one ex was less violent than the other
I was sitting in a place where there it was a beautiful river,but there is a volcano in eruption , my family was with me i want to run from the place but my ex husband said no,nothing will happen we are safe.
I dreamt I spent the night outside in the grass next to a lake. When I woke up a friend saw me and she put my blankets in her car. I was sitting listening to music when two guys started talking to me. One left and the other was trying to flirt with me. I told him I had a boyfriend and he left.
I had a dream once where i was at my house with my mom and my cousin. We were all sitting in my moms office watching tv when we suddenly heard the front door open. I remember thinking this was odd because it wasn’t five o’ clock yet and thats when my dad gets home so we knew it wasn’t my dad. My mom said to go check it out so I did and when I got there I remember seeing this old lady with a long nose and was kind of short lady. I think she was a witch. Anyways, when I saw her I just remember my mom, cousin, and I just screaming at the top of our lungs because we didn’t know who she was and then she started chasing us and she caught my mom and cousin first. Then I ran around the house for quiet a while until finally she caught me then I woke up.