Understand My Dreams

Dreams quest

There John Travolta was with a set of headphones on his head, so he could not hear the answers his 'partner'--some other regular person was giving to the questions. Then, when that was done, while John still wearing the headphones, they brought in the other contestants, one was a very attractive African American woman, whom was the star (I didn't recognize her) and the another woman who was part of this duo, to begin their part of the game show. We left and walked outside and found some friends there with little piggies.

I dream (in London, I am sure it was) of many glass buildings. They were very modern and beautiful. Some were where people lived and some were offices. It's interesting in the last dream circle I dreamt of a glass green house for Celtic, but this was entirely different! In the top of these modern cube glass buildings, the top floor (like a real floor at the top), they invented or found something amazing. They filled it with water and somehow with technology it brought amazing cooling to the buildings. There was a whole series of these glass cubes with the water in the top floor portion, like a tank. I notice in one of the buildings they actually had fish in the tank! somehow the fish did not die or overheat in the top! The sun would literally shine on it from above but it was an amazing invention. From the outside you could see in the glass and the tanks looked amazing! water suspended at the top! After this I felt I was waking up and was trying to decipher the dream to answer your question. my intuition or a voice said the theme was "innovative". This was an innovative discovery! I think my dream was influenced by local topical things to me. first of all the dream was about an amazing new cooling method for modern buildings, interesting during the very hot period we have had in London. Also in London many glass buildings are suddenly going up. I feel very negative to them, they are ugly and soul less. Historical buildings are being demolished for something which makes no impression. However the buildings in my dream were beautiful and fitted in well! I was at my mothers home. Though the home looked nothing like her home or any home I had ever been in before. It was nighttime, and my sister and I were going to go somewhere together. We opened the door of moms home, and walked down a few wooden steps to the wooden deck that overlooked mom's large parking area. My nieces was getting into a car with some other kids some other kids getting ready to go somewhere at the same time my sister and I were getting into her car. That's when I noticed a very dear friend of the family walking up the driveway with her two young boys. Excitedly I jumped out of the car to greet them. I walked with them into mom's house with the boys close behind me, to let mom know they are here. Mom was visiting with guests who were staying at her house. When I walked back into the home, and had to move 3 bicycles out of the way so the boys and their mom could come in. These bikes were not there when I walked out, but this did not seem unusual. then later, the dream shifted... At the shift, my sister, mom and I were walking around the upstairs of her house (again not a home that I recognize). We walked into one bedroom and found some people that were filming a game show that involved well known actors/actresses. John Travolta was there with headphones on, so he could not hear the answers to the questions given. His 'partner' in the game was regular person, someone who was not famous was being given the questions. After the questions were given and while John Travolta still had his headphones on, they brought in the opposing team in the contest. One was a very famous attractive African American woman, whom I recognize but who's name I don't recall and her female partner. We left as they were about to begin the game show. We walked outside were we saw some friends. They had little piggies with them. We leaned over the ledge and ask them about the piggies. Mom and my sister went down to check them out. All of a sudden, I have my baby daughter with me, she looks to be about 18 months old. I try to take her down to see the piggies, but she refuses when she sees the mud. So, I yell down to Mom and sister telling them this. The man who brought the piggies picks up the smallest one and brought it up to show to my young daughter. Then, mom, sister, baby and I and go back into the mom's house. Cash my daughters real life dog who is deceased now came to greet us. My baby daughter is gone from the dream and Cash the dog is so tired. We help him up onto a bed to go to sleep then we turn out the light and walk away. All of a sudden, I am sitting somewhere on some porch steps or on a chair, and it's still dark outside. I'm holding a frog on my lap in open hands allowing the frog to jump away. The frog did just that, it jumped right out of my hands, it's long back legs pointing back at me as it went."

I was at a hotel, a bus arrived, my deceased grandfather was there with a list to check people in, I was asking if keys were made. I went to the front desk, on the second floor, to help, there was a guest trying to check into 4 rooms, 151, 152, 153, 154 and I couldn't figure out the system, someone else said 122, the guest, a man, became upset, said 51, 52, 53, 54, I was able to check him into 154 but needed help and went downstairs where my deceased father was and he went up to finish it. There was a woman there who started asking me questions about my job.

I Am On A Quest Searching For Someone That's Close To My Heart And Soul. I Don't Know This Persons Name Or What They Look Like Just That If I Don't Find This Person It Could Mean Death. I Go Down Into This Valley Of Nothingness And I Have To Go Into This Deep Dark Sewer That Seems Endless In It's Entirety. Once I Get To The Bottom Finally With A Circular Center Of Cascading Water And Purest Marble And Stone. The Water Is Deep Enough To Rise Above The Ankles. There Are 4 Rooms Surrounding The Circular Center. Each One Being Entirely Different In It's Shape Position and Presence. 1. Room Is Rounded And Long And Deep But Brightly Lit By Orbs Of Untouchable Lights That Are Scorching In Their Purity. The Further Into The Room I Enter The More Intense The Lights Become and They Begin To Burn Into The Very Depth Of My Soul Making Me Dizzy and Aware Of An Overwhelming Need To Lay Down and Sleep. Forceing Me To Flee Out Of There Lest I Give In And Not Finish My Quest 2. The 2nd Room Is Short and Shallow The Smell Is So Musty And Reeks Of Death And Despair. Despair So Heart Shattering That It's Like It's Own Personal Purgatory. There Is Nothing But Dim Lightning And Grey Mishapen Stone Walls That Glistened With Only What Could Be Described As Tears Thousands and Thousands Of Heart Wrenching Tears. Entering This Room I Can Only Make It Halfway Before Falling To My Knees Sobbing And Crying Out To The Heavens For Forgiveness Not Of Myself But For Those Lost Here, Because I Know I Know Within My Heart Of Hearts That What I Feel Here Can Never Be Redeemed Never Be Found and Will Never Make It Before The Gates Of Heaven Or The Gates Of Hell. It Shakes Me To The Core So Deeply That I Barely Have The Strength To Crawl On My Hands And Knees Sobbing Like My Own Heart Has Been Ripped Out To The Center Of Rooms. 3. This Room Is Highly Arched And Ancient Rome In It's Design. It Has Symbols Unlike Anything Imagined From Floor To Ceiling. Flames Of Lights Stream Down From The Ceiling Going All The Way Down. It Is Beautiful In It's Design. But The Symbols Are Memerizing They Move With The Trail Of A FingerTip And The Longer I'm Here The More I Want To Stay and Figure Out The Meaning Behind These Unknown Symbols. I Keep Following The Symbols In Wonder Until I See This Large Symbol Unlike All The Others It Is Red And Large and Ominous But Strangely Intriguing. I Have To Touch It Just From Sheer Curiousity. But As Soon As I Touch It The Flames Of Light Exstinguish and The Symbols Start Spinning In An Amazing Tornado and The Room Pitches Into Black And The Hallway Starts Rapidly Closing And The Water That Was Only Ankle Deep Before Is Gushing In From Nowhere and I'm Forced To Run Back Towards The Entrance As Stones and Marbles Come Crashing Down. I Make It To The Center To See That The Water Is Waist Deep And Murky In Color. The Stones and Marbles Are Still Crashing All Around The Previous Entrance Is Blocked. The Other Rooms Are Destroyed and The Darkness Of Nothing Is Threatning To Engulf Me. 4.Room Four Is Short And Slanted And Unappealing. There Is A Dirty Blood Smeared Mattress Blocking The Entrance. I Have To Crawl Underneath The Mattress With Blood Smearing In My Hair On My Skin Burning Holes Through The Touched Places Causing Me To Scream. The Water Is Above My Head And I'm Swimming Furiously Towards An Opening That I Hope Is An Opening And I'm Panicking That The Lack Of Oxygen Is Gonna Make Me Pass Out. But I Reach The Opening And Tumble Out Dry and Whole Like Nothing Ever Happened. But The Valley Is Different It's Green And Bold And Full Of Beautiful Wildflowers As Tall As My Chest I Am Crying Cuz I've Unfinished My Quest. I Race To The Top Of The Hill With A Razor Wire Fencing And Reach It To Cry Out In Despair There Is Only A 2000 Foot Drop Off Into Black Nothingness On The Other Side. So I Climb Back Down The Hill To The Valley Of Beauty But Loneliness and I Lay There Knowing That I Have To Get Back To The 4 Rooms Or Death Will Be Waiting. Then I Wake Up

I was at my mothers home. Though the home looked nothing like her home or any home I had ever been in before. It was nighttime, and my sister and I were going to go somewhere together. We opened the door of moms home, and walked down a few wooden steps to the wooden deck that overlooked mom's large parking area. My nieces was getting into a car with some other kids some other kids getting ready to go somewhere at the same time my sister and I were getting into her car. That's when I noticed a very dear friend of the family walking up the driveway with her two young boys. Excitedly I jumped out of the car to greet them. I walked with them into mom's house with the boys close behind me, to let mom know they are here. Mom was visiting with guests who were staying at her house. When I walked back into the home, and had to move 3 bicycles out of the way so the boys and their mom could come in. These bikes were not there when I walked out, but this did not seem unusual. then later, the dream shifted... At the shift, my sister, mom and I were walking around the upstairs of her house (again not a home that I recognize). We walked into one bedroom and found some people that were filming a game show that involved well known actors/actresses. John Travolta was there with headphones on, so he could not hear the answers to the questions given. His 'partner' in the game was regular person, someone who was not famous was being given the questions. After the questions were given and while John Travolta still had his headphones on, they brought in the opposing team in the contest. One was a very famous attractive African American woman, whom I recognize but who's name I don't recall and her female partner. We left as they were about to begin the game show. We walked outside were we saw some friends. They had little piggies with them. We leaned over the ledge and ask them about the piggies. Mom and my sister went down to check them out. All of a sudden, I have my baby daughter with me, she looks to be about 18 months old. I try to take her down to see the piggies, but she refuses when she sees the mud. So, I yell down to Mom and sister telling them this. The man who brought the piggies picks up the smallest one and brought it up to show to my young daughter. Then, mom, sister, baby and I and go back into the mom's house. Cash my daughters real life dog who is deceased now came to greet us. My baby daughter is gone from the dream and Cash the dog is so tired. We help him up onto a bed to go to sleep then we turn out the light and walk away. All of a sudden, I am sitting somewhere on some porch steps or on a chair, and it's still dark outside. I'm holding a frog on my lap in open hands allowing the frog to jump away. The frog did just that, it jumped right out of my hands, it's long back legs pointing back at me as it went.

I was inside a truck with my ex girlfriend s new fiance and she was asking me questions about my ex girlfriend . she kept referring to her as her little girl. we drove to a tunne with a sidewalk and gravel that lead to a beach. all of a sudden a large wave of water came through the tunnel and a small child appeared in the tunnel. i went to save the child but i never got wet. All of a sudden it was water coming in on both ends of the tunnel. she moved the truck onto a ramp to keep it from getting in the water but when i turned around there was no water. then all of a sudden we were in my old coworkers back yard and in his garage having a party with tables in a garage. there were cars pulling up into a small parking lot. my ex pulled up and i got nervous and wanted to run but i couldn't. so i was looking for some playing cards but it wasn't a full deck of. cards. then when i looked up she was sitting on a couch

I dreamed my ex- girlfriend came to my house sitting on a chair facing my bed. I was standing in her front asking some questions. suddenly, I saw an orange and white colored lizard on my ceiling. i tried told drive the lizard away without my ex- girlfriend knowing what is going on. the dream continue that I went to a unknown house asking for marriage of a girl. The woman that represent the girl's family was wearing orange and white color cloth. I was there with my friend and the woman say that they will not allow me to marry her until i show more anything convincing

A night or two ago I had this dream that I kissed this guy I had thought I had lost feelings for. It was sweet and even in the dream I felt like it was real and even woke up questioning the validity even though the rest of the dream was absurd. I had not fallen asleep thinking about him and actually have been doing great with my ex. The thing that gets me is this dream felt so real and amazing. We even acted perfectly like we would in real life which is also rare for me because my dreams normally just skip to the point. The whole thing happened because he tried to eat the last red jelly bean and we always goof off with each other. Another thing is I have had a recurring dream about the same guy for months and it is another one that I would swear is real and it is just different from my other dreams. It is like a lucid dream but one where I am awake and not to where I can control other people.

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