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Dreams looked like

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Explore a collection of the latest dreams shared by our community. Discover common themes, intriguing narratives, and unique symbolism. From vivid adventures to thought-provoking scenarios, these recent dreams offer a glimpse into the subconscious mind and may even spark insights into your own dream world. Browse the "Latest Dreams" to find inspiration, connect with others, and delve deeper into the fascinating realm of dreams.

I'd dreamt my heart beat out of rhythm in my chest and in an attempt to rectify the problem, I removed my heart. Once I'd done that I walked over to a sink facing out a big window in what looked like a kitchen. It wasn't my home but it seemed familiar to me. I leaned over the sink and started to run water on my heart, as I did I literally leafed through my heart like it was fleshy pages of a book; as the water ran through my heart it looked white. At that point I realised I need to get my heart back in my body or I'm going die. In my dream I remember thinking, remain calm, don't panic. I go to put my heart back through the hole in my chest but it won't fit, the hole isn't big enough now, when I look down the hole is almost closed over completely and I stop pushing my heart into it for fear I will burst it and damage it. I realise at this point I'm going to die, i look at my heart in my hand and before I could think more of it, I woke up.

So Im in colorado living on the roaring fork river and all of a sudden i heard news that there was a great white shark floating the river. I immediately ran to the river to see what was going on. Right then It sprang out of the water. My friends dad Bill Mace and my cousins grandfather who has already died were injured. Someone lost their hand it looked like. Then a random paddle boarded started going down the river and we tried warning her. She couldn't hear. I woke up.

So i was in the livingroom and i heard somebody walk into the house so i walked that way and what looked like a man was carrying to huge black trash bags into the kitchen. He turned around dropped the bags and grabbed a knife when he seen me. He walked towards me and tried to stab me so i pushed him off and ran out the door and locked it behind me. I ran and ran and he followed chasing me the whole time. I tripped and fell and he grabbed me by foot and I woke up.

I was going to my first day of class and nobody knew me and they had started from last year and the professor didn't acknowledge me and I didn't understand the assignment they were doing. It was a weird drawing class and I didn't know how to participate but the professor ignored me when I tried to ask for help. And then we critiqued all the pieces but I didn't submit anything because mine were terrible compared to everyone else's. So class ended and I was trying to talk to my professor and I was staring at her eyes and something was wrong with them. She looked like she was blind in both eyes because they had almost no color and her pupils were tiny. But I kept asking her a question and she would in turn ask me a different question and I wasn't getting anywhere. And then OUT OF NOWHERE David grey comes into the studio wearing a long ass white fur coat with neon pink trim and a matching headband comes in and starts talking to my professor and was like "you can't get away from me." And then I walked home through a flooded street.

Someone was stalking me. I called my ex boyfriend and he came over with my neighbor. My daughter was asleep on the couch and wouldn't go upstairs. The intruder broke in and shot my ex boyfriend . He only wanted me. I couldn't call for help. I had to carry him outside to a truck that was broken down but it had wood sides. I had to stab him several times but he wouldn't die. Then I had to slit his throat. he still didn't die. I had to cut his head off. he was still alive. He followed me around and looked like a squirrel. I tried to stab him in the heart. The cops finally came and she had to cut where his ears were supposed to be. The police had to take pictures of everything.

I dreamt of my baby who was born a stillborn..first thing i remember was seeing a brightness almost as if it was the sun... this brightness was so bright it seemed white.. then i realized that, that brightness was the clear blue sky... it was so beautiful.. i looked to see where I was n what am I gonna see next. As I look around From the sky down.. what I noticed was what seemed like broken pieces or a shattered mirrors scattered all over.. then realizing it's the ocean.. the brightness would reflect n make it sparkle like glitter... as i began to look back up towards the sky so bright n clear i see a figure standing among some clouds, wearing white robe with looked like a golden rope around his waist and i knew it was Jesus himself...but then i noticed a golden yellow aurora like light of rays shooting out from Jesus... seemed to be the sun... he was looking down at something with his arms spread wide open smiling... as if to be saying "this is what is waiting for you soon" so i look at what he's looking at n first thing i noticed was my grandfather charlie, my grandmother mary, my uncle luther, my brother alan,my ex boyfriend s father Michael and a baby wrapped in a blue blanket with a white Beanie cap on his head. The crazy thing is all of these people i know n i was close too and they all have passed on n are gone now.. the people are my relations. They were all looking towards Michael happily smiling n interacting or playing with something or someone i look to see what they were so happy to see n and in Michael's arms he was holding and rocking a baby in blue blanket. He was bouncing baby n talking to him. In an instant I knew in my heart that's my baby. I was over come with so much joy and happiness.. my baby was perfectly healthy as can be. Michael is the babys grandpa n the baby is his first grandson he was just so proud. I then woke up crying not sad but happy

I was in my high school and it appeared to be lunchtime since i woke up in the lunch room. but the setup was different, it looked like their were at least 100 tables, but about half of them were empty. i went up to get food, it was taco day, but the tacos were already pre-made and at the end table, and the lunch ladies that would be in the front were not there, so you could just walk up and take one, i tried to take one, but for some reason i couldn't pick it up. so i decided to just leave it there and find a table to sit. suddenly i see my best friend at a table looking down and i then turned to see her boyfriend at another table which is strange because he graduated. i blinked and then saw them together at a table and the table was already suddenly full. i sat down on the floor next to my best friend, who then turned to me and looked at me weird, like i was a disease. she then turned back to her boyfriend , laughing and talking, and ignoring me. it was then the end of lunchtime and i didn't know where to go. then it seems like i was teleported to the auditorium, where it seemed like some weird play was going on, it was full of reds and golds.

So I was on the bus with my friends to go to an amusement park. We were sitting in the very back and at one point during our conversation I turned my head toward the front of the bus to see if we wee close to the amusement park and saw all of the Kpop groups, BTOB's members. I didn't really say anything right away cause I didn't want them to feel repulsed by me because they would probably think that I wouldn't leave them alone. So when the bus did finally arrive at the park we all got off and headed into the park and my friends, thankfully, coincidently chose the same ride as BTOB. So while we were waiting to go on the ride, Ilhoon and Eunkwang didn't go on the ride cause they couldn't handle drop into the water; it was a boat style ride so at the very end of the ride there is a big drop that gets you slpashed with water. So I was talking to them, trying to make them feel better and I told them how there were some less intense rides further in the park. But as I started off a little ahead of them to the other rides the rest of the amusement park disappeared and was replaced with a normal park with lots of open grass. So I started sprinting on the grass because I wanted too and I knew that there was no way for them to lose me and when they had just started running I was already half way across the field of grass, but then when I look behind my Sungjae is like right behind me. He ran hella fast and he almost beat me to the end but I still won. So when we all got to the end there was an old style Mexican restraurant that I apparently knew and wanted to show them but it didn't look how it normally would have. There were hardly any people there and it was all dark and slightly foggy. Sungjae went ahead one way and the other members stayed behind cause they wanted to talk to the other people there so I followed Sungjae since he hadn't been there before and could have gotten lost. As we walk down one side of the outdoor seating area there were two paths at the end of the small fence. Thankfully Sungjae went right right away cause when I looked left there were dark tall plants and a very thick fog that was moving quickly. And as we passed through the small gate a shadow passed us. Like it was the color of a shadow and looked like one but it was floating in the air and we could feel it when it passed us. So right after that I latch onto Sungjae since he was in front not that I'm complaining XD. He even kinda put his arms on mine that were around him to make sure I was still there. And as we keep walking down the creepy path we're all of the sudden running from confederate soldiers cause apparently we had stolen money or something from them and we knew we weren't being wrongly accused. And as the soldiers went one way with their guns we say them before they saw us so we went the other but the female confederates had anticipated this so they were there waiting so we try to run away as fast as possible but Sungjae ended up getting shot in like the leg or something like that. He tells me to keep running cause it was still possible for me to get away. I start off but then after like three steps turn around and run back to him saying the I'm not going to leave him. As I'm trying to help him up the female confederates catch up and then right before they were about the snatch us I woke up.

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