Understand My Dreams

Dreams killer

Three killer whales, racing in a small room, which is covered in icy water, and they all jump out the holes in the Ice and back into the water, they're racing. Two whales are together, and one is against them, I seem to be one of the whales, the smallest one. At the bottom of the water is a sunken miniature New York City, the water makes me feel really unsettled and it's really black and cold. After a while one of the whales jumps so far it goes into the wall of the room and vanishes to the other side. The dream then changes to first person about me where I'm sat In a black and white room with two screaming people, a married couple probably, everything is black and white like an old painting and they appear to be ghost like, they drag me into a small room, and that's when I always wake up.. At around 3.40-3.45. (Repeated dream, fourth time now)

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