The beginning of the dream, we my mom, siblings, and me were at my aunts house with her ex husband and my four cousins. They lived in a mansion which is unusual because they do not make much money and he didn't work, only my aunt did. My aunt was talking about moving to a littler place while he got a job and lived at the house to pay it off. Earlier in the dream on the way to my aunts I saw my ex and we exchanged looks. The dream continued but we seemed to be by old buildings and we were standing in a work shed by a gas station. People were walking around. There were these stairs that led up to a room at the top of the building, maybe an apartment. Suddenly, a big storm started to happen. It was a black, dust storm. It was very strong winds and it was throwing bails of hay everywhere. Two of my cousins are young and I saw them try to run out of the work shed and I grabbed her by the shirt as quickly as possible to get a grip and she still struggled to get outside. I finally got her a told her it was best to stay in away from the storm. The people were panicking because we didn't understand what was going on. All the dust made it nearly pitch black outside, you could see nothing past it. Teenagers were running up the stairs toward the room, and that's why my little cousin wanted to go. Out of nowhere, coming in from the storm I saw my ex walking toward the stairs with a lollipop in his mouth and he seemed happy. I looked around and people were still puzzled about the storm. Then I woke up. February 15, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
(disclaimer: this is descriptive but not like in a sexual way) So it started off with her and I laying down right and we were at my house but it was a completely different house than my actual house and I was on my laptop and the mouse wouldn't work and she was laying right beside me and I tried to get it to work but it wouldn't and I got frustrated and she was on her phone but saw me and realized I was frustrated then I looked at her and I put the mouse down and I put my right hand on her the outside of her inner thigh and I remember us looking at each other and then it all faded then next thing I knew, we were at school but Zoe didnt pop up in this part of the dream, it was just me walking around the school and the school looked super modern and futuristic it was cool. but anyways, I start off in the cafeteria and I get up and walk up the stairs and I had Jan but everything was tilted like shifted to the right, horizontal and such it was trippy, so I go to the stairs and walk up to meet up with Julianne(whom I actually have Geometry with) so we meet and she's with Cory and Julianne says that Jan needed a stupid pass and is really passive aggressive about it, and ranting about Jan, but I however, don't say anything, but laugh and we all walk down the hallway together, to where you may ask? I have no clue but we all walk away side by side and everything fades to black again. After everything fades black, and I guess a new part of the dream is awakened, so do I. The black deceases and I woke up, back at my bed, wearing this nice grey t-shirt, with Zoe laying on my chest, trying to fall asleep. I look down at her and she is smiling at me as she runs her fingertips across my neck and pulls me closer to her. She runs her hands over my face, over my lips, we kiss, she lays back down, continuing her motions with her fingertips across my neck and my chest and it fades to black yet again. The black clears and I am back at the futuristicly modern school sitting in the cafeteria talk with you, Shania and 2 other people whos faces I couldn't make out. We are sitting there, you guys are talking but everything in my head goes silent and all I think about is Zoe as throughout the entire dream there is this narration of my voice talking about how beautiful she is, how much I loved her, how much she meant to me, etc etc and this rings out the entire dream whenever I or other people in the dream are not speaking except for in this case when the people around me are. I record the words that I hear in my head eluding whatever it is you guys are saying, going practically deaf to the conversation you guys are having and I get up, with the notes in my phone open, the date reading "February 23, 2016, and I get up and walk away and all I can hear is the sound of my own voice narrating my passion for her. As I am about to walk out of the cafeteria, I am abstractly scorned by Ms. McKinney, our 7th grade math teacher, but I do not hear a single word she has said as she goes on and on, all I can think about is the words in my notes and of course, Zoe. Once the scolding is done, the narration pauses for me to say "Okay" but quickly resumes after my speech and I shuffle around Ms. McKinney and continue walking out of the cafeteria doors happy as can be. It fades to black and I wake up but refuse to move in order to retain the details of the dream and here we are now. One of the craziest parts by far was that I felt everything. Every little thing in the dream I actually felt. I remember clearly, pretty much it all: me touching Zoe's thigh and the texture of her jeans, how the phone felt in my hands, when she touched me and was caressing me as I felt asleep, I remember it all, even how she looked at me, it all felt real February 14, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
I was eating dinner at my house with my family, and I looked at my step father, but it wasn't him. It was just some man pretending to be him. So I took a goose and sharpened its bill then stabbed him with it. February 10, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
I'm in an auditorium at the beginning of the school year with my mother. Someone brings my mother a new student who is a totally helpless little boy. I take him to help her. His uncle comes to yell at us that we will not do anything for him. I tell him to go away and we will take care of him. I change his diaper and hold him and he begins to walk. February 07, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
Sitting in passenger seat waiting for man and the parked car begins to move. Drive it around the block and park again using parking brake this time and park doesn't work. Woman and child come to dinner at man's house but I don't want them there. I sit in snow outside by road and make snowballs. Another man comes to tell me it's alright and to come eat. January 27, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
I walked into a room where an old friend was grinning and poking his head out from hiding behind my best friend's head and she was staring at me as if she were scared. Then my old friend popped his head out to look at me with a full on grin, then mouthed, "I'm married." Then he proceeded to show me the ring he got her, which I thought was small and yellow, and just plain ugly. January 09, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
I was in an office of a professor and it was surrounded by glass and overlooked a large body of water. While the professor, my boyfriend , and I were talking out of no where a chunk of of an airplane fell out of the sky while it was on fire and people were falling out. My boyfriend started to call 911 but the professor (who is also our boss) said to hang up and we both stared at her in confusion but listened anyway. A second chunk of the plane while also on fire fell out of the sky and I started to panic and it became very apparent in my face. She told me "penelope wait-then let it all come in" and so I took a deep breath and I let it out very slowly and I felt calm I felt reassured. I kissed my boyfriend and right after that the other chunks of the plane fell out of the sky all on fire. That is when we all started to look for a way out through the window. The professor immediately, right after i opened my eyes grabbed a chair and smashed it against the window. We tried with another chair to break it but it would not. At some point we broke the window and jumped out into the body of water to try to escape we heard screams and rhe police was showing up in big groupd while things falling apart. People said it was a terrorist attack. Then after people were saved we entered the waiting room and everyone stared at us mad questioning why we didn't call the police when it first happened and why it took so long for us to call them. They were all really mad and said that maybe we were part of it but they were specifically looking at me a lot. I was so nervous and angry because it had been so traumatizing that I couldn't believe they would think that. I tried to talk about it with my friend and she had to leave while we were in some sort of hallway with a tv and the TV was so loud that as she left there was a room in that hallway and a man was very mad at the volume level it was on so he screamed at us to turn it down but his voice was so rough that it sounded like it was the airplane falling again and I started to panic but realized he was just scolding us and I took a deep breath to calm down. I saw my other friend and asked her if she was okay and she tried to make me laugh as she always tries but she could tell i was in a lot of pain and she told me she'd take me out of dinner since we couldn't eat in the dorm they were still picking up the pieces. I was then in the computer lab trying to talk to my friends and telling them that my boyfriend did call 911 and everything that happened. I asked my best friend if she thought I should tell my mother what had happened but she said no and so I looked at the clock and it was 11pm and I was trying to decide if I should call my cousin who I'm really close to to tell her. I felt so shocked I couldn't believe I had been through something so awful and I felt like the memory was all inside my heart and I could not stop thinking about it. I decided it was too late to call but was desperate for someone to talk to. February 16, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
I got arrested with my partner even tho i was innocent and then managed to esacpe and went on the run January 05, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis