My computer at work burst into flames. Luckily I had a fire extinguisher close by and grabbed it. I accidentally pointed it and sprayed myself before putting out the flames on the computer. All while my boss stood there watching. June 28, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
Last night I dreamed about a stately home which was on fire and all the antiques where on fire August 09, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
The first thing I can remember from my dream was walking down the hallway in our house, (My grandparents, mother, younger sister and I all live together) and entering my room that I share with my sister. She was on her bed squirming around and making strange noises. When she looked at me, her eyes were fireballs. I ran out to tell my mother, who quickly ran outside and started the car. She told me to come with her, but I told her I needed to make sure Grandma and Grandpa were out first. When I went into their room, I saw my grandmother on her bed with a small black, almost kangaroo-like creature touching her. She was on fire. I then ran outside and joined my mom in the car. The next thing I remember from the dream is being inside a building with my mom and sister, the same one who was "possessed"? earlier. I don't know how we met up with her and I don't know how we got to this building. It was almost like a small castle. We walked down a hall and found a room with a wooden door, and locked ourselves inside. Then, my mom told us that the locks only work every other hour. After sitting in the room for a while, hoping the locks would keep us safe, we heard the door rattle a little, and then it opened. A very large bald man walked in and started approaching us, and my mom said, "uh oh". He stood in front of us, then leaned down and kissed my sister on the forehead, then did the same to my mom, and then to me. Although I was dreaming, I physically felt this and it was as if something was going through me; like he laid a curse on us. Then he picked up my mom and sister, one in each arm. He told me that my sister was a goddess of youth and that my mom was one of beauty. Then, looking me straight in the eye, he said, "someone special wants to see you". He emphasized the word "you". As soon as he finished these words, I woke up. Some extra information if it helps... I am 16, my sister is 14, and my mother is 50. I was at a friend's house when this dream occurred and I received some bad news shortly before having it. July 02, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
I am at a hotel with some friends, and my mom and sister and fiancé come in and tell me my dad died. I walk outside and all that is left of my dad is his eyes and forehead. I was told he was set on fire. July 27, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
: "My dream started out with my daughter and I. We lived in Seattle. She was at school and i was out. The end of america was beginning and it was getting violent. It was like a blood bath. I ran and got my daughter out of school. We had to jump out a classroom window on the second story and climb down a tree to get out safe. My daughter was scared crying. I told her to be brave and that we will be alright. We started running avoiding people we saw on the streets. I found a car and started driving us away. It died quickly so we started running again. We eventually found a overpass where we could hide underneath.there was an area with a dozen trees all gatgered closely. There was also a tree on the other side of the wall underneath that was by itself. But someone else was in the tree in the next corner. He jumped down and walked over to us. I said I need somewhere for ny daughter to get rest. He said it was quiet around there and that we could use the lonely tree. We couldn't use the clumped up trees because they could set fire easy and I wouldnt see if anyone is getting near. He helped me get her up the lonely tree. I climbed up and held her until she stopped crying and slept. I watch people run through the underpass not seeing us. I was scared for our lives. The man shandd us a door to a underground tunnel the next day. He said it was brutal down there. But there was a food storage close to it but that was seperate. It was near the trees. We were able to eat and drink for a couple days. The man said he needs to go out and check the area. I told him we needed to get going. We were heading north to Canada to start again up there. That we needed to live. He said maybe one day we would see each other again. Tgen my daughter and i took off trying to find a train. July 15, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
We were outside of a party/concert and a police officer said "I need some help over here" then the police officers started running and they ran through fire and eventually we saw that there were dozens of dogs stuck in a tree. There was some sort of smoke or gas, because all the police officers became high and didn't know how to get the dogs down, so the people from the party started helping, and we all became high too. Once all the dogs were safe, we went back to the party. I was still a little bit high, but I went back. Since everybody was high, everybody was out of it. But I felt like I was a little bit in control, but not very much. I felt like I could handle it though. July 15, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
I had a dream I could hear fire alarms and the flat under me was on fire and I had to get out July 08, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
Two red and pink houses roof cave in, angel dressed in White, cellphone, Debbie Morgan, phone, burning skin, gernade, granade, explosion, fire August 09, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis