Baby hand short fingers touching through belly
I see a big hand trying to grab something from a basket. When the hand is in the basket something bites the fingers on the hand. This is when i feel pain in my middle and wedding fingers. As it's biting my fingers it's also pulling my hand deeper into the basket. However it is not strong enough. When I pull my hand out of the basket i wake up.
My girlfriend get her fingers cut off
I dream of killing Different people old women people my age last night it was a middle aged man. He had me pinned with a knife in my stomache. So I grabbed my knife and started cutting into his throat and tearing it with my fingers and forcing fist down his throat to make him drown on his own vomit and blood... All are self defense and it reoccurs
I kidnapped a young girl, and took her to a place where she was tortured and gang raped. It was a dark and ancient building, and she was strung up by rope from the ceiling. Her chest was ripped open and the organs removed, her fingers ripped off, her toes removed and her leg a slab of flesh. I was the one who pulled her toes off.
A guy told you your girl had to shave her fingers
I dream that i feel my teeth with my fingers and then the tooth breaks, then another falls out, then another falls out
I had a dream that my loved ones were playing a game and our fingers were getting cut of by evil.
My hands are clasped and I ask someone to help me lift my fingers to unclasp my hands
Two children their fingers were blackening until when touched they melted away.I opened a door to a room, the children's room. An old lady was setting it on fire, I thought to kill any disease. The flames danced. I felt scared but did not want the children to be frightened. I closed the door and went to the children. I gave them each a hug and a kiss on the head. They dipped their hands in a liquid, a medicine I think. I left the house, in a robe and barefoot, the ground was wet from rain and I went down the cement stairs. As I walked away the whole house was enflamed.