Understand My Dreams

Dreams doors

Kidnapped by mexicans (dark skinned ethnic men) held in a house, with my dad and another young guy (age 18-25). Escaped by running through my "dream" neighborhood (a neighborhood that reoccurs in my dreams, it is made of of bits and pieces of all the places I've lived), Was in a house with open windows and open doors, ran into the garage with 2 cars in it. one was a sporty type of car and the other a long 1970's hoopy that was lime green that I had to turn it around and kept getting stuck doing a 3 point turn. I kept yelling at my dad to come help me rescue my little brothers (who were age 1-5 in the dream, they are actually age 22 and 24.) but my dad would not help. I woke up before I could get the car out the garage. I woke up very angry and upset.

I was in a warehouse, inside were a large conglomeration of people milling about doing various things, standing in conversations, etc. On the floor were various puddles and messes left behind by dogs, IE: poop, & puke, while in the dream I was convinced the puddles were all poop and was grossed out, and concerned that I might accidently step in it, so as I stood there contemplating how to clean up the mess suddenly Kathy Creighton came up to me, and took me in an embrace and started dancing with me, sort of a waltzy thing, hands clasped in the air, one around the waist, and she pulled close to me as we danced. I became uncomfortable and looked at her asking her what she was doing and if she thought this was such a good idea, and she looked close at me and said "Just listen to me!" and then continued to dance. Then, we danced over to an area in the warehouse where there was an office build-up, and in the doorway was a group of people, one of them, sitting in a chair or on the floor (?) was Aaron, Kathy's husband, he looked pissed, and his hair was all cut off, like he'd been shaved but there was a stubble, I was very concerned and released Kathy from our embrace and handed her back to Aaron, I think I said "Thanks Aaron..." and he looked up at me with a very distainful look. I went back into the warehouse area where all the messes were, and where Kathy & I were dancing, and noticed that there were sheets of paper towels over the mess-piles, like someone noticed and just tried to cover them up so no one would step into them. I began picking up the towels, grasping the gook in attempt to clean up and in the process got some of the feces on the inside of my lips, UGH! I became freaked out and started looking for a bathroom or sink so I could rinse off my mouth, I walked through another series of doors on the office build-up, I guess it was a bathroom (?) Saw a toilet, and a toilet paper roller, I don't think it had TP on it, there was a plastic bar on it connected to the two posts where the roll attached, and when I moved it there was a light blue light behind it, and it was warm to the touch. In process of trying to find a way to clean myself I lost focus and ended up on the back side of the office build-up back in the warehouse, where there was a refrigerator that had a package of frozen vegitables laying on the top, noticing them I touched the bag to feel if it was room tempreture, it was very cold still so I picked them up and opened the fridge, I looked in and could see the back of the fridge had a window on it to where you could see the back side, I figured that anyone could have made the mistake of setting these vegies on the top of the fridge because the view to the top was very much like the view to the inside (?).

I was about twelve, and my mother was gone, I don't know what happened to her, but my dad was there. We were in Georgia living with my dad's mother and my aunt. My dad and I had to go to Connecticut for me to get a IQ test that was only offered in Connecticut and I needed transcripts for my new school. We got to Connecticut and we were driving a UPS truck around. When we arrived at the testing location, my dad wasn't allowed inside of the building, so I went in and wandered around lost for a while until a man pointed me in the direction I needed to be going. When I was finished, I quickly sped out of the building and to my dad in the UPS truck. I hopped in the back where the packages go, and a cop came up and grabbed my dad. I saw him flail under their restraints, and they cuffed him and took him away. I was suddenly back in Georgia in a wood panel house quivering beneath my aunt and grandmother. I explained to them what had happened and they didn't want to believe me, so they hit me. I heard from the other something calling my name in an eerie way. “Brittany...” “Brittany...” I went into the room to see a bunch of internal organs: kidneys, livers, lungs, and many many others. They were floating in the air, and talking to me. A gallbladder and kidney shut and locked the door, and then they started speaking to me. “Your father created us.” “He said he was going to set us free.” “He said he was going to make us real.” I was quivering and crying, and I didn't know what to do. “We're keeping you until we get free.” I knew I had to think fast, but I didn't know what power these things could really have. I started talking on my feet, “Give me a week. My father is gone, but if you give me one week, I'll get you out of here. I'll get you out, and you can do whatever you want.” The contemplated sounding maniacal and dangerous. The door opened, and I left, making sure to shut it, so the organs wouldn't get out. I locked the doors, and I was crawling through the walls. I connected a line to the room that filled it with water to drown the organs. Then I filled it with poisonous gasses, and I was sure they were dead.

For several year as a child (about age 4-8) I had numerous recurring dreams. All of these recurring dreams were scary, except one. The non-scary dreamed started out in my bedroom, with me sleeping in my bed. The cat in the hat would fly into my bedroom through the window, grab me by the hand, and we would fly out of my window into the night. We would arrive at my first grade classroom. Several of my classmates were in the classroom and were smiling and seemed happy. The cat in the hat and I would then fly into an electric pencil sharpener. Inside the electric pencil sharpener was a winding hallway that seemed to be angled downward. There were many closed doors in the hallway, all painted different colors/patterns. We reach a rainbow colored door, and the cat in the hat and I enter through it. We end up in a room with one wall made of glass. I gaze out through the glass wall and can see my classmates playing on the playground and then the dream ends.

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