My friends ran away from me on my birthday
I have an appointment with the health visitor and i cant wake up. Wasnt woken up and missed appointment. didnt get birthday cards for my birthday asnd someone came in my house and knocked over my christmas tree
It was my daughters 3 birthday party and everyone was there except my fiance grandma and i was mad because she was not there. Im feeding my daughter and it gets quiet i turn around and i see him with his grandma and our daughter runs to him and his grandma says "sorry we arre late" and we have a family hug.
Went on a last minute vacation with the in law family. It was my husbands birthday. I was holding an old friends new baby girl.
I dream that there was a birthday on our neighbor and then they give us food and then I kissed the birthday boy on the cheak as a gift
I`ll kiss the birthday boy
My family was having a birthday party for my little brother and 2 cars kept racing by my house. Eventually we went inside and a man was in there and shot my brother my father and I to death. When I was shot I felt like I was still alive.
Sleeping birthday
I dreamed on Happy Birthday Our Peter Pan From Italy
I had a cat jump out of my birthday cake