Understand My Dreams

Dreams and my mom

I was with my friend Natalie and her parents. Then I was with my parents and my mom said she had a weird dream.I said when is a dream ever not weird and my stepdad laughed really hard at this. Then my parents took me and my sister to somewhere fun like a theme park but we ended up at something like a baseball field. Everyone somehow got locked in. My sister said she had a dream I wasn't able to provide water. The parents came and were crying that their children couldn't leave the field.I saw a group of girls in red dresses and I think I used to love them. Then I saw three people opening a gate to escape. I helped a lot of people escape and then a big truck called defense came to get me and all I had was a skateboard. Then I woke up.

I was at a house party and there was old guy friends from high school there and I was going around say hi to all of them. For some reason I looked in a mirror to look at my hair, I was conceded that it was dirty but it still looked good I was happy with the way I looked. Then the party was over and everyone was asleep in my brothers room. There was a guy there that I just met last week there and I was waking him up telling him he had to leave. But he didn't want to. He was very tired but my brothers did not want him sleeping in their room. Meanwhile his grandma calls and my mom is talking to her about him and I. So I picked up this guy in my arms carried him like a baby to my living room and told him to wake up and ask my mom If he can stay here. Then half asleep he starts eating candy and saying stuff I don't know what he is saying.

We were going to china and we were getting ready I remembered packing but apparently when we went to leave I didn't have anything in my suitcase so my dad brought me back to my house and I went to go pack and a boy was in my room packing his stuff from my drawer but it was his clothes and he's like "you forgot too? I'm holding my family up" and I kept saying OMG my bathing suit I keep forgetting it so then like we went out of the house and he got in his car and I got back in with my dad and we drove and got lost and ended up at my elementary school and we went to my old teachers room and some hippie was in there and she gave us like spaghetti and then we got back in the car and my mom was In there so we stopped on the side of the road to talk to some man and we were late so we finally got into the airport and we were looking for t "everyone else"

My grandfather passed away 13 yrs ago. I was in my room my mom was there my dad my two cousins and one of my uncle in my dream my grandfather comes inside my room with my uncle and my grandfather is all dressed up with a black coat and my mom is siting down next to me on my bed and my grandfather is next to my mom and I asked him how its where he is at and he says its very nice and peaceful and you dont have to worry about nothing and no problems and that you see all the people you grew up with. My mom tells his to take her with him and he says no that where he's at she can't go there

I had a dream last nite where i saw a friend of mine mistakenly set our house on fire but in dat dream,i somehow find myself outside d house and the fact is that there was fire all over the house and the house next to me but both houses were not burning.my two sisters and my mom were in the house so,i was so scared that i might loose them if i dont find solution to quench the fire and so i ran closer to the house next to me (same house dat was on fire but not burning) just to call for help and as i got there,i smashed the door to the entrance of the house and to my surprise,the fire stop burning and i saw my sisters cuming out of the house with tears,i moved closer to them to ask why are they crying and they said to me that our mum is dead in the house,immediately i rushed into the house to confirm and i saw her alive still talking and breathing and i decided to take her out for treatment...while trying to do that,i woke up...........

End of the worldi dream that I was with my family in a house in front of the sea and that we were scared because we heard the world was gonna end there was another house in front and my brothers sister and cuzins were there it started raining hard and I told my mom we going to die is the end of the world and my mom said no the world is not going to end we are going to be fine when suddenly it got windy the rain was harder and cars started going everywhere in the air the house were coming apart we hold on to not let the air take us when all of a sudden it stop and we all said everything is over and we are fine but then it started again and we saw the water from the sea coming towards us in a big wave I told my mom bye I love you and I also told my brothers and sister I will miss u is the end, I love u alot and I hugged my baby tight kiss her and I look up and saw the wave getting to us I just stayed waiting for it holding my baby and thats when I woke up feeling scared

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