I'm in the backseat of my car, and its driving down the highway, and there is no driver! So my 9 year old brother tries to take control of the car, but that would get us arrested, so I scream out the window for help. And a randome person comes to help us and walks over to us as if the cars were standing still, but the highway is moving underneath us
I was with my hairdresser driving in my first car then I saw a huge fire then we carried on to a memorial where we drove vertical down the wall
Me and my father who has died on were just driving
Me and my father who has passed on were just driving
Driving car off bridge into river. Naked. Resuced by boss.
My mom had an ear infection and had to take her to the emergency room. Then I was driving the bus and had wreck.
Driving and realising that im driving with a flat tire
Dream of deceased mother driving truck into brick wall and needing me to rescue her.
I dreamed that I was in a rush to get somewhere in the early morning, so it was kind of dark out and was driving down the road that I grew up on. On the sharp turn there was a car parked on the left hand side of the road, with its lights on, that shined in my face. I slowed down but not slow enought, I hit three of the german shepherd puppies, killing them. The first time I dreamed this, I missed the pups.
I drove a truck To the store and waited on the passengers I didn't know to get back in the truck. I was on the way to my new job. Somehow, when the passengers got in the truck, I was now in the back seat and this guy I didn't know was driving. He was agitated that I was there. I told him I needed to go to work but then asked for him to just drop me off at my car right down the street and I will drive myself. He drove off the bridge into the very rough river waters. They were gone and I was still in the backseat trying to figure out how to get out as the truck was sinking and filling up with water. My alarm went off so I was not able to finish the dream.