Understand My Dreams

Dreams and my mom

I dreamed i am in the bathroom peeing and my mom comes in , i sprinkle a little on the tioet seat and she was trying wipe it off for me. Also i saw like a wall with peg on it but the pegs were not sgarp there were either covered with something or shaved dull. And also i had forgot my watch and i remeber when i was getting on the train so i got off the train to go back and get my watch then i realize it was in my pocket so i turn around and head to back in to the train staion where i passed two police officers.

I was at an old lady's house who was supposed to be my great grandma and my sister and her friend who she has a crush on were there. I had a really heavy glass of seltzer in my hand. Then we snuck around the back of the house into the garage to hide from the deer wearing hoods in the front yard who were complaining about us being too loud. In the garage there were a lot of bikes and my friends car.Then my grandparents pulled up with my mom and my Uncle George and my mom's old college friend.

I dreamed i am in the bathroom peeing and my mom comes in , i sprinkle a little on the tioet seat and she was trying wipe it off for me. Also i saw like a wall with peg on it but the pegs were not sgarp there were either covered with something or shaved dull. And also i had forgot my watch and i remeber when i was getting on the train so i got off the train to go back and get my watch then i realize it was in my pocket so i turn around and headed to back in to the train staion where i passed two police officers.

I was in my room with a doll my grandparents gave me and my mom came in and told me she wanted to put new skin on the doll. So as my mom was scrapping the plastic off I kept seeing the doll moving but my mom didn't. The doll was moving its arms and opening its mouth. When I said that was happening and my mom went to look the doll shut its mouth and stop moving. My mom told me that it could have been me that made the doll move and that I just didn't remember. My mom then took the doll to the other side of my room to continue scraping off its skin. It moved again and said so to my mom and this time my mom seen it. Then it started moving a lot more and hit my mom.

We are what looks like John and my old house. John isn’t there. It’s dark, there is always spiritual activity here. I have grown accustomed to hearing and feeling it, but I don’t enjoy it. I feel threatened here, and often that the spirits are trying to kill me. Katie and I are sleeping together in an unfamiliar kitchen, on a table. Pulses of energy start to transcend from the walls towards the other side of the house. She is scared, so I hold her hand and tell her that I have done this before, that I know what this is, and that I will keep her safe. There is a dishwasher underneath us that keeps shutting off. I have to manually press buttons until it goes again. This feels important to me. Katie asks me often what is happening, and why. She tries to blame the wind. I keep looking up at these slitted windowless cut-throughs at the top of the wall. They appear to be letting air in, but I know that's not why the house underneath us is shaking. We hold on, and I help her get through it. Cut to my Mom’s house. We are talking about the ghosts. I throw eggs on the floor, and so does she. All of them break open, and some of them are spoiled as they hit the floor. She cleans them up, but there is always still residue. I try to help clean it up better. We are sitting at some sort of Pep Assembly. Top Gear (Britain) host starts talking, donating money to an organization. He donates a particular amount, and then does a double take, acting like he is going to give them more. Instead, he jests about giving the second amount to “Jesus Christ.” Nick, my sisters and I all snort at this, I seem to be filming the event. We can hear murmurs of people agreeing, when someone gets my attention. An old school teacher who was religious speaks up and asks if we should have ‘the talk.’ I look down and tell her no. She sits back, and my Mom appears, telling me that she wishes I would let “Jesus Christ” into my life. I coldly disagree with her. Cut to her house. We continue to have the argument, and she claims she wants me closer, and that ‘god’ will make me stay close to her. I disagree, but don’t mention anything about agreeing to stay close. I tell her that John’s mom has a way of making him stay close to her.

In a garage trying to close the doors. A dog tries to prevent me from closing the doors and I hit the dog over the head hard. Before I got into the garage there was a policeman sitting in a car in the neighbors. The neighbor called the police, but the cops don't believe that we did anything. There is a bad man in the garage. He shoves a tea bottle inside a man's head and the liquid goes into his mouth. It's Christmas and my mom bought me three video games as a present. I was surprised and happy. Larry wanted to do something special for someone else and he made me do all sorts of technological stuff to give him my video game and super Nintendo system. So, we gave a present to someone else. He was happy it would be a good Christmas for John and he completely ignored or forgot about me.

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